Next-gen lag time

Elizabeth Nixon
March 3, 2020

Hi Everybody! 

My team is experiencing serious lag time on our NG board. We're using a Kanban board. It's been noticed by all of us, including our offshore dev team. It's slow in the following ways:

  • slow to load
  • slow to show details of a ticket from the backlog AND the board
  • slow to update any fields on a ticket
  • slow to scroll on the board

I found this similar question, but it seems that the suggested solution is to switch to the old issue view. This won't work for NG projects as the old issue view is not available.

I previously thought that maybe our board was too full, so I moved several tickets to the backlog but this didn't help. We have approximately 100 issues on the board (47 in Done).

Has anyone else noticed this? Does anyone have a suggestion for solving this? Is there an open trouble ticket to address this?

Thanks in advance!

2 answers

0 votes
Mikaela Bertucci
September 22, 2020

Next-Gen is still unbearably slow! 

0 votes
Andrew Herman
March 3, 2020

While this may not be a solution to the lag time for showing ~100 issues on the board at a time, I wanted to offer it as a suggestion in the meantime to help streamline the work of your team members (especially those offshore).

100 items shown on the board at once is a lot, and Jira has a lot of fancy UI features that increase the load and drain as there are more entities in view at once. I suggest discussing with your team and creating a series of Quick Filters for them to use. These should target common tasks, issues relating to a specialty skillset or component of the project, or process-related tasks with a certain tag or label. You could even update the board filter's default to hide Done issues, so the board's performance speeds up as the issue count decreases.

Second to that, I recommend folks reduce the number of open tabs they have on their browsers, as web applications such as Jira are huge resource hogs.

Hope this helps.

Elizabeth Nixon
March 6, 2020

Hi Andrew,

Thanks for your input, but I cannot filter a next gen board in these ways. Half of the issues on the board are in Done status and these remain on the board for 14 days (currently there is no option for us to change that). The customization options for next gen projects are very limited.

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