How can you report open issues by age?
I want to be able to see a column chart that shows only open issues based on their age eg 0 days, 1 day old, 30 days old etc.
I want to be able to see data like this in chart form:
Age of issues / open issues
issues that are 1 day old / 7
issues that are 2 days old / 10
issues that are 3 days old / 3
and so on
If someone closes an issue that is 2 days old the chart updates
issues that are 1 day old / 7
issues that are 2 days old / 9
issues that are 3 days old / 3
It sounds like the Average Age Report might suffice your needs:
"The 'Average Age' report is a bar chart showing the average age (in days) of unresolved issues at given points in time. The report is based on your choice of project or issue filter, and your chosen units of time (ie. hours, days, weeks, months, quarters or years)."
More info if interested:
Also, I included a more comprehensive list of reports, just in case you wish to explore gathering addtional data:
I hope this response was helpful.
Jason | Atlassian
Thanks but unless I'm reading that report wrong it's not quite what I'm looking for.
I want to be able to see data like this in chart form:
Age of issues / open issues
issues that are 1 day old / 7
issues that are 2 days old / 10
issues that are 3 days old / 3
and so on
If someone closes an issue that is 2 days old the chart updates
issues that are 1 day old / 7
issues that are 2 days old / 9
issues that are 3 days old / 3
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Our management team is looking for the same report as Jenni describes here. The average age does not meet our requirements. We need the ability to drill in and view issues by age periods (days, weeks, months).
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This might not be what you are looking for, but if you want to report on the issues with different ages you can just do a JQL Query.
project = <ProjectName> AND created < -60days AND status != Done ORDER BY timespent DESC, created ASC
This one will list all of the issue not set to done that are over 60 days old and lists the oldest first
You can then use this is various reporting gadgets.
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Hi all , I tried by best get an answer but have no choice to end up in creating 3 filters which are created within -30d , -30d to -60d and created > -60d and still in Open,reopen or inprogress. and used marked them as favorite filters
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@madhan ravendhar are you able to select on the "20" and see what those 20 are?
I'm new, would you be willing to share how you build that filter?
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Thanks for the idea to use the favorite filters gadget. There are some limitations, like you can have only one set of favorite filters and the order of the filters can be changed only by deleting and creating again the filters, but still a good workaround if you can't get the Rich Filter Simple Counter as extra plugin.
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Add gadget -> Bubble Chart solves the purpose. This chart creates a bubble for each user story and displays the no of days it was open once you click on the bubble. It provides a correlation between no of days open, no of comments and participants. Needed a visual representation of aging user stories vs. no of days and the status they have been in. Am still exploring other gadgets.
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The time since chart seems to be an answer.
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We fixed this and here is the query issuetype in (Incident, "Service Request", "Service Request with Approvals") AND resolution = Unresolved AND created >= startOfDay(-7) see attached picture
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Hi Harold, we don't see the attachment, can you please give reference as we are also looking some solution in our project
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Hi Harold, this is great. May I know which report /gadget you have used to show this report? We are looking for similar stats for our kanban project.
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Hi Harold, Looking at the gadgets seems you are using pie chart gadget and using filters past 7 days, past 14 days etc. However by this we need to create separate filters and separte gadgets to display ageing.
I am looking for some solution to display ageing in single view with no. of days created for the ticket. i.e. Ticket X created on Y date = no. of days already passed from the creation date.
Please advise
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Its a pie chart and then you build custom counts within the filter counts, Below is an example of the jql query of 1 of the custom counts i have in report
project = "10002" AND resolution = Unresolved AND created <= startOfDay(-14) AND type in (Incident, "Service Request", "Service Request with Approvals") and "Pending reason" is EMPTY
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Hi Sam
Something like the screenshot the below screenshot i attached
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Harold, I would like to do similar query. how is the procedure?
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how to please,
What gadged filter or report do you use for this result, how is it done?
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Its a pie chart and then you build custom counts within the filter counts, Below is an example of the jql query of 1 of the custom counts i have in report, below is the jql for 14 days and older
project = "10002" AND resolution = Unresolved AND created <= startOfDay(-14) AND type in (Incident, "Service Request", "Service Request with Approvals") and "Pending reason" is EMPTY
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that's is the query which is good!! amazing
what I have not been able to do is to configure gadget, Something like your screenshot the above screenshot you attached
created less than 40 days ago older than 7 days but not older than 14 days
created more than 14 days ago total unresolved
this is what I would really like to know and I have searched many forums and I still do not see an exact procedure for this, I would like to connect with you to see if you can help me., I get crazy results
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@Harold Prestage
Pleas review my last comment, no succeed :(
would like the gadget step by step, there is my email
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Defect ageing being an important metrics to be reported as part of QA. Can someone suggest if we are able to get defect age field on JIRA for defect reporting.
I have been trying all luck this week but still not got any solution.
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You can use a series of filters to get issues in age groups using this in the filters:
AND created >= "-80d" AND created <= "-20d" (collects issues between 20 and 80 days)
Please see my example in my earlier comment.
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This can be easily created using our Reporting App AIO Reports and Timesheets for Jira
Here is an article explaining the steps involved: Jira: Open Issues by Age
AIO Support
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Can you please elaborate on the solution more. I could go through it to get defect age field.
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AIO Reports and Timesheets for Jira is a third party plugin available on Atlassian marketplace. You can get step by step instructions to create the defect age report at this link:
If you face any issues, please email us at and we will be happy to provide a demo.
AIO Support
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I was looking for a plugin for the dashboard that showed me the oldest issues in a chart or list in the order of the age of the issues. I couldn't find that either but I have a workaround that might help you partly too. It can list the first n oldest open issues.
- I use "Filter results" plugin on dashboard to collect the oldest issues.
- In the plugin I use a special filter where I narrowed down my original issue filter to have only the open issues (in a set of statuses) listed to remove the Done issues from the age list.
- In the filter I sort the results by Created date.
- You can set how many results I want to see in this plugin. I set it to 20.
You can specify in the plugin which fields to show in the columns, so in the end on the dashboard I have a plugin with a list of the 20 oldest open issues in a table sorted by Created date and listing Assignee, Prio, etc.
I know that it is not the wanted output for you but can help.
If you really want the output grouped by age categories (1 day old, 2 days old, etc issues) you can have a separate Filter result plugin for each category that collects only issues that are in the range. I guess you can setup the filters (one for each plugin) to find issues between dates or between elapsed times, too
For example to filter issues that are between 20 and 80 days old use this in the filter:
AND created >= "-80d" AND created <= "-20d"
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It works if you are interested in a bar graph of resolution times for issues. This particular request is about issues that are not yet resolved, and displaying them visually in buckets of time ranges of how long they have been open.
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Hey @Paul Henry
Were you ever able to find something that satisfied this requirement? I'm running into this issue about 6 months later, ha.
Best, Mike
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Unfortunately no, although I have not had time to research other reporting plugins as of yet. So I am still using my 4 filters for the raw values and then extracting that data to Excel for the actual graphic. I only need to do that on a monthly basis, so it is not a significant amount of work for me.
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Thanks for the quick response Paul!
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I too have been searching for some kind of Issue/Defect Aging chart but haven't been able to find anything or figure anything out; Average Age is not the same.
Defect Aging is a standard metric in defect management, how does Atlassian not have something for that.
And how do you complain to them?
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I followed the below mentioned approach to meet my requirement;
1. I created a filter to fetch all the open issues (i.e. not closed, resolved...).
2. Used the inbuilt gadget "Recently Created Chart" with my filter to get a monthly Bar-Chart of count of open issues.
It may be a workaround for others.
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Unfortunately that does not really address what I and others are looking for, which is essentially an aging report of the # of issues that have been open for a particular range of time. For me, I want to know how many requests have been open between 0 - 7 days, 7 - 14 days, 14 - 21 days, and 21+ days. I've resorted to creating 4 filters for those ranges and using the Issue Statistics gadget, which gives me the raw values, but I would ideally like to see it in a bar chart format, so I'm currently extracting those raw values to Excel, but will be looking into some reporting plugin's in the new year.
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I'm looking for the same report too
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Keeping this alive in the hopes for an answer!
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This thread seems dead, but I too am looking for a similar report so that we can move off of Zendesk. Has anyone found a solution?
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I also need a similar report with Ageing / Count with Drill down to get details of the count. Did anybody found a solution?
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I'm looking for a similar report has anyone found a solution?
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Unfortunately you are on OnDemand which does not allow you to have customization :( Otherwise the possiblity would be to use a scripted field which returns the number of days and use the Issue Statistics gadget based on this field. You may also even have the days as a range (something like 1-5 days, 5-10 days, more than 10 etc.)
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