Right now we can add a Textbox and it is defined as the following.
Text fields allow people to provide information as free-form text. Currently, Jira offers styling for short text entry using a single line text box. More text fields are coming soon.
This is critical for capturing for example in "Step to Reproduce" field for a bug.
Therefore would like to encourage the Atlassian Product Managers to have this feature to be able to enter multiple lines into a Text field be added soon as possible and/or prioritized to the top of the feature list. Otherwise it makes the next-gen jira projects whole lot less useable when you can not enter more than one line in a text field
Providing a date/time timeline of when multi-line text fields will be added will be critical to determining if we continue to use Next-gen Jira projects.
Thank you for a response. Wondering if others have a similar issue? or need?
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