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View ACL in Jira

January 24, 2020

Hi All,

I would like to know how to implement the security model as Atlassian Ticketing system.

I would appreciate any responses.


- Rathna

1 answer

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Ste Wright
Community Leader
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January 24, 2020

Hi @Rathna

Do you mean Access Control Lists?

There are multiple permission sets you can control across Jira - check out:

  1. Global Permissions: These are platform-wide and associated with user groups. See how to use these here.
  2. Project Permissions: Project permissions can differ per project using permission schemes. These can be associated with different user groupings to allow more control at a project or system-level. See how to use those here
  3. Issue Security: Issue Security schemes provide more granular control over who can or cannot see an issue. See how to use those here.

If you read through these and need any help setting them up, reach out and let us know :)


January 25, 2020

@Ste Wright 


In a Jira instance, you are the project lead for PA.

In GRP A, There are (U01, U02, U03, U04, U05) & in GRP B (U06, U07, U08, U09, U10).

So now in PA, U01 creates PA-01 and U07 creates PA-02.

But if U7 is a watcher (custom field) in PA, U7 then should be able to do everything as in commenting to adding attachments, etc..

Now given the above scenario, how can I implement this so that this only to one project but not disrupting any other project in the instance.


Thanks in advance



GRP = Group

UXX is User XX

PA is Project A

Ste Wright
Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
January 25, 2020

Hi @Rathna

Can I confirm:

  • Both groups of users need access to Project A
  • If U01 creates PA-01, and U07 is a Watcher on PA-01, both should be able to edit the issue - whilst all other users should not?
  • This must apply to just one project

Whether correct or not, you'll be using Project Permissions to create this, applying a Permission Scheme to one project which won't impact others - read more about these here.

To visualise how to create the above scenario:

  1. Go to Jira Settings > Issues > Permission Schemes (left-hand menu)
  2. You can either press "Add Permission Scheme" in the top-right, or copy an existing scheme. I've chosen to add a new one.
  3. Once you have your scheme, enter the Permissions area if not there already (in the list of schemes, press "Permissions" next to your scheme).
  4. You'll need to give both groups at least Browse Projects and Create Issues - press "Grant Permission" in the upper-right corner, type the two permissions into the box and select Group from "Granted To". Select Group A and press Grant.
  5. Repeat for Group B
  6. Press Grant Permission again, and select relevant issue editing permissions for U01 (in Reporter?) and U07 (in Watcher). For example, Edit Issues, Add Comments, Add Attachments, etc.
  7. Press Show More under "Granted To"
  8. Select Reporter and press Grant.
  9. Repeat for the Watcher - under "Granted To" choose "User custom field value" and choose the custom field, then press Grant.
  10. Give out the other permissions to the user groups depending on what you want them to do.

^ Note: The "User custom field value" option will only appear if you have a custom field of this type first.

If this doesn't quite match your scenario, you'll need to consider what permissions each user or group need to have across all the permissions. The page I linked above has a good description of how to use these and there are descriptions on the permissions page itself :)


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