Would like to see rolled up status for an issue with linked issues similar to Epics in backlog

Todd Alden April 1, 2022

Just as you can see the totals for issues linked under an epic (and see a rolled up status of the epic in the way of combined status of the issues linked under the epic), I'd like to be able to do this for other issues/lilnk types on the scrum board backlog view.

Is there a way to do this?  Maybe some plugin?


1 answer

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Atlassian Partner
April 1, 2022

Hi @Todd Alden 

To visualize the hierarchy based on the issue links, we have created an add-on to track the progress at each level. Pls try it out

Agile Tools - Epic Tree, Links Tree and Time in Status 

Key features of Links Hierarchy:

  • Hierarchy upto 10 levels deep
  • Progress % on "remaining estimate" or "original estimates"
  • Edit Issue summary, time estimates, story points and assignee on the tree with real time updates in the progress
  • Rolled up percentage completion at all levels
  • Ability to add/remove the columns on the report


Links Hierarchy.png

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