Just a heads up: On March 24, 2025, starting at 4:30pm CDT / 19:30 UTC, the site will be undergoing scheduled maintenance for a few hours. During this time, the site might be unavailable for a short while. Thanks for your patience.
×Hi team,
I wanted to let you know about an important change we’re making to the way we roll out the new editing experience. We will no longer be converting existing pages to the new experience - instead, you will only see the new experience when you create a new page.
One of the overarching goals of this project has been to make Confluence easier to use, for everyone. As we’ve been making these updates, we’ve focused on creating a consistent experience - so that things behave more predictably and there are fewer different interaction patterns to remember.
This was part of the reason we wanted to have just one editing experience. We believed that having two different looking interfaces, with different shortcuts and behaviors, would be confusing and difficult.
However, as we’ve been rolling this out, we’ve heard from our customers that converting existing pages to the new editing experience causes unnecessary overhead and can be an incredibly frustrating experience that gets in the way of the work they’re trying to do - which is the opposite of what we had intended.
Based on this feedback we’ve decided, for now, to only release the new experience for new pages. Existing pages will continue to use the old experience.
If consistency is more important to you, we can still turn on the new experience for all your pages. This doesn’t automatically change your pages - the change is only triggered when you edit an existing page. Message Support to see if your site is eligible for this.
If you want to convert existing pages to the new experience on an individual basis, you can manually copy the content of that page onto a new page.
We will re-evaluate this at some point in the future, and we do plan on eventually sunsetting the old editing experience, but not until we’re sure that this is the best decision for our users.
I do not believe that the company's product managers are able to give up their crazy ideas. Previously, they showed that they are ready to ignore all user requests, believing that they are smarter than everyone.
@AndreyB I'm terribly sorry to hear that's how you and others feel. This is absolutely not how we think or would like you to feel! I'd love to reach out and schedule some time to talk to get your feedback openly and directly if you'd be open to that?
@Avinoam -- This is literally *demonstrably* false with Atlassian, *especially* in regards to confluence.
Whether or not Atlassian likes it, there are 2 different types of users for their products. Engineers, and Business Professionals, who generally have different needs and expectations from software due to technical separation and tools from their respective backgrounds. Years ago, when Confluence was released, it was designed by engineers, *for* engineers.
Several years later, Atlassian decided that it wasn't friendly enough to business users (partially true -- there was no wysiwyg initially), and so they restructured the way the editor worked, and forced *all* users to use the same interface (a poor wysiwyg editor) that obscured much of the functionality that *thousands* of engineers had come to rely on. Thousands of us spoke out about this change, and Atlassian's response was to simply say that 'this is the choice we made to make it better as a product. No, the choice was made to make it better for 'business users', because it was (and still is) true that engineers dont pay the bills, so the company needed to make the product friendly to the business side of organizations, who were still largely using tools like SharePoint, google docs, etc.
Unfortunately, business users want a nice 'word-like' interface because it is what they are accustomed to, *developers* want an *editor* with syntax that can control presentation and outlook in a uniform and consistent manner. I have been *very* vocal about this on twitter, support tickets, conversations with other engineers, etc over the years. (I specifically recreated my acct that I deleted years ago just to respond to this very thread).
Marc: I agree with where you're heading with this. Not sure I agree with your last paragraph though but I certainly very much so agree with your overall sentiments. I was pretty shocked at how Atlassian seemed to abandon their user base by shoving out this editor update. In addition I'm guessing that tying the editor itself to the page and seeing how some users are migrating content from one editor to another is borderline sacrilegious. All UIs need to be backward compatible with existing content. That's just "table stakes" IMHO. I'll add that it looks like both editors will need to be supported by Atlassian which will be confusing for the user community as well.
Erik -- Fair point on the last paragraph. In some regards, this thread shows they are 'attempting' to get feedback. The purpose behind my (now deleted) paragraph was more about how they went about doing it. Instead of doing even some baseline 'hey, were going to test some new features, here are some of the things it does, let us know what you think', it was more of a 'heres the new editor, we forced this on you, and you can't really control it because we feel its a good design'... At least they do have this thread open for community feedback, i suppose.
@Marc Mercer I agree with you for the most part. I do think that if they're determined to have a new UI, it should just be applied across the board, as it's confusing to our users as to why they have two different interfaces depending on what kind of content they're working with, and whether it's new or old.
Just FYI, though, in regards to your "now deleted last paragraph"; it's not really deleted. If you mouse over the upper right of a post, you get a menu that includes "View history", which means it's still available.
Several months later, I think @Marc Mercer's 'deleted' paragraph is a fair comment.
Is it still possible to create new pages with old editor?
If you copy a page that uses the old editor using the copy functionality in the ellipsis menu it brings up the old editor ... it's a work around I guess.
This is a horrible solution. I can't expect everyone in the company to start copying an existing page instead of the normal "+" button.
Analyzed this copying technique and found that:
worked for me.
@Avinoam What will be the default behaviour on a newly created instance? I need this information to prep my customers.
@Maurice Pasman new instances should be with the old editor.
I'm sorry but this is not enough.
The problem is (not only) with the conversion of the existing pages to the new editing experience, it is the new editing experience itself that is the main problem. And I'm not talking about the bugs, I'm talking about the design principle behind the new editing experience itself:
I really don't know which audience you had in mind when designing the new editor, but this new "experience" is making writing technical documentation in Confluence a pain and makes me regret that we choose it last year as our main documentation tool.
And this, while the old (more feature rich) editor made writing documentation so much easier for us.
Loose the forced centering / responsive, bring back the macro features from the old editor, keep the inline ( / ) menu and table editing menu and you have a very nice improvement (if you fix the bugs, that is) over the old editor
But as it is now, its just such a shame
The forced centering is awful and frustrating and is also making me consider other tools. I don't have any clue why they'd make it mandatory but it's really making my pages look terrible.
I sadly agree with you. I went into ours to create a new project for all our customers and quickly abandoned the idea when I saw how it was going to look centered. Creating grids, or fixed or fluid would go a long way. Will try the workaround of copying an old page to a new one.
My submission to the product backlog on the centering issue - https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/CONFCLOUD-65447. I'm not seeing any activity to respond/groom these issues on a quick (albeit incomplete) scan of Jira which is concerning.
Thank you for filing this Colin. I'm going to post this link everywhere I can so that it maybe gets some attention...
@colinb there's also https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/CONFCLOUD-65654. We're having active discussions on this topic and I promise to circle back with an update as soon as we have a clear communication on this. I just wanted to assure you that it is in fact top of mind, and that everyone's feedback truly gets taken with a lot of seriousness.
@Avinoam There are fabric editor issues dating back to 2017 and jira has been doing the following for quite a while. What was the reasoning for rolling this out in a completely different way?
This is a really bad decision. We have dozens of people creating pages. So the editor will be different based on *when* it was created? That will be really really confusing. We strongly want to have the choice to keep using the old editor until such a time as the new editor's issues are worked out.
For me, I have muscle memory, for example using open-bracket to create a link and {code} / {info} etc for macros.
I just introduced Confluence to my current company and people are getting comfortable with the editor. To force them to re-learn has no measurable benefit.
I don't know what is going on there at Atlassian, but your recent changes to both Jira and Confluence have been for the worse.
Great. You rolled this out MONTHS ago and the response then was to ignore feedback and tell users it was impossible to go back to the old editor. People wanted a finished product not a beta that they're paying to use. Having two editors side by side is less confusing than having one editor that doesn't work, doesn't support common features, and that when rolled out had to be disabled on half the pages anyways because they contained wild features like columns.
You're actively costing people money because your experimental features weren't done and you didn't ask anyone before rolling them out. Going back to the old editor would mean hand editing every page that already was converted to the new editor. Everyone's confluence site will look like a total mess with their legacy edited pages along side their newly created pages. But sure, giving people the option to contact support to choose their default editor is a great option. Maybe next we can contact support when we want to add users, or contact support when we want to change the icon for a space. I look forward to contacting support to create a new page.
The wildest part is that JIRA rolled out an experimental new view and while they did turn it on by default, the option to toggle it off was immediately available, it even gave you that option the first time it showed it to the user. I wonder why two products from the same company have such wildly different methodologies when it comes to user experience. Weird.
I love that this also isn't saying you're going back to the old editor, just that you aren't automatically converting pages. Hey, that's great, I wont lose inline comments on my pages anymore and i'll be able to edit certain blueprints again, cool. But also this just means you are creating the confusion because you won't just roll back the feature entirely. You have no strategy on going backward from new editor pages back to the old editor, huh?
This is clearly what needed to happen and what people have been asking for since last year, but this is not contrition. This is not an apology, this does not reinstate any faith in your ability to steward this product and provide a reliable experience. This does not give anyone back their wasted time, money, and energy in trying to wade through this complete mess.
Get at me when you figure out how to attach dates to feature releases.
As a temporary workaround, it appears you can create new pages with the old editor using:
@Michael_Deck yup. Thats been true actually. Even when the new editor was converting pages you could take a page with the PAGE LAYOUT function in it and copy that page and then you would have the old editor.
Ultimately this is not a fix. This is not a workaround. This is just breaking something and saying its fixed. This misses the point that they broke this thing months ago and haven't come up with even the slightest solution to the problem. Its just as unacceptable now as it was then.
Also, what isn't said on that post is that if you complain at a senior enough support person they actually do have the ability to set your instance back to the old editor by default.
The fact that it's that easy to open up the old editor spells out everything wrong with this strategy for the rollout. They could set this as a toggle, but refuse to do so for unspecified reasons.
Could you keep new editor for your internal team and give for your customers an ability to choose old editor by default? I hope opinion of the customers is important for Atlassian. Thank you.
I love the interface of the new editor and like the formatting that it provides with only one caveat - that formatting should be optional, not required. Others have stated that they like the new features... but not at the cost of the old features. I've put in several requests about the new editor to bring back missing things, especially around tables and overall layout (columns, etc.)
You want to move interface items to more intuitive locations? Cool. You want to unify all the macro-like stuff with the slash? Neat. But when you outright remove a pile of features in favor of making the experience more pleasant, you're doing a disservice to your own clients.
And seriously, who thought it was a good idea to replace orange and red with one single color: reddish orange!?
I would like to directly compliment @Avinoam (and his compatriot, Jazz) for providing me with the opportunity to speak with them directly about the new editor. It is refreshing to be able to communicate directly with those who wield the power of the developers, allowing me to directly influence aspects of the new editor. I provided feedback about what I want, how I use it, and bugs I've found, and I felt like all of it was well received.
If you have the chance to have a "face to face" meeting with Avinoam and/or his team, I highly encourage it!
Same here!
Avinoam and Jazz were extremely friendly and receptive to my complaints and suggestions.
@John Tolle , @Pato Moschcovich -- I'm wondering what your feedback directly to @Avinoam was. Most of us are just getting more-and-more frustrated with Atlassian for their lack of response.
I even took part in a group call to discuss the new editor just a few weeks ago, and Atlassian's only true response was to improve the links on the Editor Roadmap page (https://confluence.atlassian.com/confcloud/confluence-cloud-editor-roadmap-967314556.html)
We have not even gotten a monthly update to progress, like we did in Sep 2019 (https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Confluence-Cloud-articles/What-s-New-in-Confluence-Cloud-September-2019-Edition/ba-p/1173670 ) and Oct 2019 (https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Confluence-Cloud-articles/What-s-New-in-Confluence-Cloud-October-2019-Edition/ba-p/1199197 )
@Bob Sovers : my feedback was that the new editor is subpar and that I would be a lot happier if they kept the old editor. They were receptive to my feedback at the time. A few months later our instance of Confluence stopped supporting the old editor altogether.
Add me to the huge list of very disappointed users.
Responsive tables have still not resurfaced, and that is currently my biggest complaint. That said, I had a full Confluence page worth of what I considered issues that I presented to Avinoam and Jazz at the time, so it may have been somewhat lost in the shuffle.
Considering that my call was back in March, it is disappointing that some of these larger issues have not yet been addressed, although they were making progress. I'm not clear on how much they've been making lately, though.
I hope this is delayed as long as possible. I'm working through a support ticket where our corporate proxy doesn't work with the new editor. We think it's something to do with the new editor using Websockets and being so chatty. If we don't resolve this and the corporate proxy isn't upgraded we'll need to review our license situation.
I agree to every comment here. The new editor is really awful and many things are missing. I'm now considering moving to another documentation solution for my two cloud Confluence instances.
I'm also one of those who loved old Confluence design and hates current one. Forcing design switch without asking customers is the worst idea ever.
@Avinoam I do hope you will still prioritized resolving the (many) issues with the new Fabric Editor. We are in the middle of implementing Confluence for 2500 users. We've now already created 200+ pages in the new editor, and converted a lot of the pages we had already created inn the old editor. We want a consistent look to our pages, and we do not want to have to go in and redo everything in a few weeks or months anyway when the old editor really is discontinued.
Therefore going back to the old editor now seems like a lot of unnecessary hassle to us. We need you to fix the most glaring issues with the new editor, so that we can continue implementing Confluence. We can live with a few minor issues for a time, no worries. But basic stuff has to be fixed asap.
A few examples of annoying bugs:
@Thomas Øhrbom absolutely! We're either actively working to resolve them and once resolved I'll make sure to update the tickets, or we're having active discussions in regards to the feedback. Thank you for flagging these!
I now got my template open with the old look&feel, so my templates don't work anymore. Is something going on?
@Sanu.Vallinaho just to make sure, were you looking for it to open in the new editor/look and feel? Is this for an existing template you've already created or are you creating a brand new one?
@Avinoam I was expecting my template to open in the new editor. We haven't used the old one at all, and all our pages are created with the new editor. Also the template was created with the new editor.
Thanks @Sanu.Vallinaho . We actually are fixing a bug related to that which once done will ensure that any new page you create from a template or any new custom template you create will open using the new editing experience. Thanks for flagging this!
Sorry to say that, but I am extremely unsaticfied with the new editor. The main reason is images. I can't set an image to be 100% of its size any more. I have only draggable bars that give me no way to set the exact size of the image. And If the image of any software screenshot containing text or a pixel art would be resized just a little bit of its original size, the image became blurry. And I absolutely have no way to fix that.
The issue is so crucial for us that we even considering fall back from Conflluence to Google Docs.
And overall, the new editor feels as a great feature-cut and downgrade. I can't imagine why do you force us to use that. :(
This editor is badly designed and poorly executed. You have caused a lot of undue stress and confusion amongst my teams and my customers, all of whom I have been carefully nurturing to actually use a wiki. And now they are refusing because there is now a mix of old style and new style and NONE of it goes together.
Templates are breaking, our PDFs have all gone to hell...
In short, this is a terrible design and terribly executed.
I really, reaaaaallly hope that you are planning to dedicate a large portion of the Atlassian Summit to defending these actions and planning on how to alleviate the pain these changes are causing.
LOL - "Non-intuitive multi-click hellscape" is now my Facebook status, because it's an awesome phrase!
Also, you're absolutely right about the strangeness of (kind of) centering the title on pages that used the old editor - everything else is left-justified so it looks completely out of place. I have to assume that this is a temporary thing and someone will fix it shortly.
Oh, it's c-l-i-c-k... The word broke so badly that I actually read the c and l as a single character. I was really confused as to what it was supposed to mean, but hey... it's a rant, right? ;-D
Additionally, while you wasted time with this horrible editor change, here is a very short list of critical bugs and issues to your core functionality that have not yet been addressed:
CONFCLOUD-65038 Confluence Links in JIRA issues should be updated automatically based on the new applink configurations
(Priority: Highest. Last Known Update: March 7 2019. Created: October 16, 2016)
Hi all,
Please read the community post update we published on full width and columns
Why not create a Confluence Lab toggle (like Jira Lab) for these changes? And while you are at it, add a Jira ticket to every "improvement" so user can directly comment (and vote) on whether they like it.
I usually like changes but as I'm now 20 minutes into trying to figure out how to link to attachments on other pages, I'm rather annoyed at being forced to use this editor. Having a page, I would like to revert to the editor when I hit an issue and don't have a immediate resolution.
Was there any testing of the new editor prior to rollout? I hate beta testing someone's code that I paid for.
Bad Atlassian, bad Atlassian;-)
Have to re-iterate that this editor change is still causing us head-aches. Half our pages have the new editor and half don't. It's so bad that I've gone from an Atlassian net-promoter to a net-detractor. Having been a huge advocate for so many years and getting no less than 3 companies to purchase it, as well having my own personal license, I feel betrayed.
Why oh why did you not make this a configurable feature? Why on earth would the editor change depending on when the page was created? Why would copying a page retain the editor? It's madness. For a company that has made so many good decisions, this one completely wipes out trust you have spent over a decade building.
PLEASE provide away to completely turn off this new editor.
I'm not sure if it's posted elsewhere, but I have been able to disable the editor for all Confluence spaces in the Global Templates section. I can't do anything about pages already created with the new editor, but at least I can turn off the option for future pages.
No idea when Atlassian will close this option, but it will save massive headaches until then.
Jeff - this is exciting. but I can't find it. are you talking about here?
If your editor is already turned over to the new editor by default then this wont exist.
This is a truly bizarre avenue to implement a feature forced upon all pages. And it speaks to the configuration Atlassian has used to enable this new editor. It also explains why it might not be possible to toggle it off in user settings (like Jira labs). And disabling the template seems to have no real effect in removing the new editor.
....resistance is futile!
@Alexander Bezruk : Thank you very much for your comment. LMAO. I did however spit out tea all over my keyboard when I read your succinct summary of the situation.
I'm adding another problem - if anyone has the solution please reply. With the new editor there doesn't seem to be a way any longer to adjust picture pixel size. All you get is justification and wrap options. Now I have huge pictures on my confluence pages that I can't size down
On the right and left hand sides of the images themselves you can find handles to drag and snap images to resize them. I hope this helps.
Speaking of images, insert a small image (like a 16 x 16 icon) and click on it to try and resize it. It will suddenly become huge and you cannot make it any smaller.
Not only that, but there is no option to put the image inline with the text, so adding icons into explanatory text is no longer possible with the new editor (it is on the old one, where you can also specify the size in pixels if you like).
By the way, I tried to insert a screenshot (click the camera icon, choose the file, wait for it to upload, click insert) to show this unfortunate effect but I keep getting the following error when I click Reply:
Your message was not accepted. Check for invalid HTML or try reposting as plain text.
The previous excuse for getting rid of inline images was that they added emojis.
This is one of the things that completely breaks functionality for me. We use Confluence to show instructions with clear pictures, but not being able to have them in-line with the numbered line, adjust sizes, or add a border around bright pictures kills me.
I was shown this solution some time ago, but neglected to post it here. To add inline images, use the custom emoji option.
Note that the suggestion to use custom emojis as a replacement to inline images has a number of pain points:
Published pages will display blue stars instead of emoji (including custom emoji) if you use the “Include Page” macro, or if the page is viewed in mobile, or if it's viewed by anonymous users, or if your Confluence page is displayed through the Jira Service Desk customer portal.
Since custom emoji are being suggested as a workaround to no longer being able to use inline images, it would be great to get some more comments from anyone who is affected. Here's a selection of the known issues with using emojis in the new editor:
Is the Space Attachment macro missing from this new view also!!! I can't seem to find it anywhere. This was a super useful macro for creating content portal capturing attachments across multiple spaces across confluence.
thats actually part of another effort to remove a variety of macros. There is a "workaround" for it though but ugh, not great https://confluence.atlassian.com/confcloud/we-re-cleaning-up-the-macro-browser-946028471.html?_ga=2.229387547.642341977.1561666762-801021432.1544037507
In fact, of the 70 macros in Confluence, 24 of them have been removed in the new Confluence editor. 34% reduction in functionality? why?
Activity Stream Macro | |
Anchor Macro | gone |
Attachments Macro | |
Blog Posts Macro | |
Change-History Macro | |
Chart Macro | |
Cheese Macro | gone |
Children Display Macro | |
Code Block Macro | gone |
Column Macro | gone |
Content by Label Macro | |
Content by User Macro | gone |
Content Report Table Macro | |
Contributors Macro | |
Contributors Summary Macro | |
Create from Template Macro | |
Create Space Button Macro | gone |
Excerpt Include Macro | |
Excerpt Macro | |
Expand Macro | |
Favorite Pages Macro | gone |
Gadget Macro | |
Gallery Macro | |
Global Reports Macro | gone |
HTML Include Macro | gone |
HTML Macro | gone |
IM Presence Macro | gone |
Include Page Macro | |
Info, Tip, Note, and Warning Macros | |
Jira Chart Macro | |
Jira Issues Macro | |
JUnit Report Macro | |
Labels List Macro | |
Livesearch Macro | |
Loremipsum Macro | gone |
Multimedia Macro | gone |
Navigation Map Macro | gone |
Network Macro | gone |
Noformat Macro | gone |
Office Excel Macro | |
Office PowerPoint Macro | |
Office Word Macro | |
Page Index Macro | |
Page Properties Macro | |
Page Properties Report Macro | |
Page Tree Macro | |
Page Tree Search Macro | |
Panel Macro | |
PDF Macro | |
Popular Labels Macro | |
Profile Picture Macro | |
Recently Updated Dashboard Macro | |
Recently Updated Macro | |
Recently Used Labels Macro | |
Related Labels Macro | gone |
Roadmap Planner Macro | |
RSS Feed Macro | gone |
Search Results Macro | gone |
Section Macro | gone |
Space Attachments Macro | gone |
Space Details Macro | gone |
Spaces List Macro | gone |
Status Macro | |
Table of Contents Macro | |
Table of Content Zone Macro | |
Task Report Macro | |
User List Macro | |
User Profile Macro | |
View File Macro | gone |
Widget Connector Macro |
the workaround is not really a workaround. It's different functionality. It only provides a list of links not a log of attachments. Also as I explore this further I'm seeing that while the simple attachment macro remains, it no functions as well. For example, labels no longer show up on the log, you have to expand every attachment to see the label.
Is Atlassian listening? This "rollout" has been flawed from the beginning. It started with an completely bassackwards (no typo) feature definition, was poorly tested and then relied on the user community to beta test it. Finally, there has been zero communication from Atlassian on whether the even acknowledge the problem let alone have a plan to fix this.
Now, where's that facepalm emoji?
Most of the comments here are from existing Confluence users. I was trying to "sell" another department of my organization on using Confluence because I had a positive experience a couple years ago at another company. I tried to set up a demo instance for them but gave up because the required, very basic, macros did not work. I contacted support about three macros and was told, rather curtly, that the writer of the macro was responsible to update it.
The new editor represents a loss of functionality. And the UI is not an improvement either. One less team using Confluence. Please give me access to the old editor and I will try again.
@Avinoam I'd take you up on your offer for a conversation, but it is all represented here.
Any chance that new editor will be back to full screen and headers will come back on left side?
Yes @Aleksnadra Klusinska ! within a matter of weeks this will be an option you can control.
@Huw Griffiths at this point we're a couple weeks away from making full width available as an option in the editor. We'll be emailing all site admins prior to the change rolling out.
What is the expected date for this?
The new editor seems to have a bug when selecting a date for a task due tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. For tomorrow the due date gets set for "today". For the day after tomorrow the due date gets set as "tomorrow"
This doesn't happen in the old editor, even if the old editor page is in the same instance and user as the new editor page.
We have the same error here. Figure out anything about this? Wondering if it's some sort of time zone issue.
Same here. Luckily, we don't rely heavily on this feature but if we start to, it will get frustrating very quickly.
I was actually testing this again yesterday and it looked like Atlassian has changed this to always show the date, not today or tomorrow.