Hi team,
I’m Avinoam, a product manager on Confluence Cloud, and today I’m really excited to let the Community know that all customers can now try out the new editing experience and see some of the improvements and features we’ve been working on first hand.
We’re rolling this out gradually, and over the coming weeks you’ll see your new pages, templates, and eventually even your existing pages open in the new experience. But for now, we’ve made it available as a template ("Try the new editing experience"), so you can use it and get familiar with it in your own time.
Some highlights:
Live macro previews: No more grey placeholders! Most of your macros now look the same while editing as they do when published - and some are even fully interactive.
A single autocomplete shortcut: Type / to open a menu and add macros, tables, emojis, mentions and more to your page as you go.
Typography improvements to provide a more readable line length. No more w i d e text on large monitors.
New image controls so you can now easily wrap text around images to the left or right, or even go wide with banner images.
Add 🌶to your page with emoji. Hundreds available, but you can even upload your own.
Prefer to work in markdown? Type or paste markdown onto your page and it'll automatically convert to rich text.
Need to add code to your page? Add a code block, which now features bracket autocompletion, indentation support, and line numbers. We'll even detect code on paste, and create a code block for you.
Our documentation has more details about other features and improvements, as well as info about the rollout process. There’s more improvements to come, and we’ll keep iterating based on customer feedback - so please use the Feedback link in the bottom right corner of the editor, and tell us what you think.
We hope these changes will help you - and any new members of your team - get up and running with Confluence fast, create pages that look better and are easier to read (even on other devices), and feel confident about the content you’re creating. Thanks as always for your patience and for helping us build this.
Community moderators have prevented the ability to post new comments.
Sadly, the server version of Jira and Confluence don't seem to get the same amount of love. I wouldn't expect it for a couple of minor version from now.
Funny, I have exactly the opposite perspective. My company was Confluence server-based, and I was charged to move it to the cloud. There are so many plugins that aren't offered for the Cloud version, we had to change the way we did some things, and give others up entirely.
As you're seeing, there are some challenges with the new editor. You might be better off observing from the sidelines for a while so that either more enhancements are introduced, or users have come up with clever work-arounds for making things work the way they need them to.
Is this new UX available in the Data Center version?
This is a public post so I won't go into detail about all my concerns with your new editor. My only request is how do I set Confluence Cloud to use the legacy editor until you correct the errors in the new editor.
As you can see below, the good table editor that was easy to use before is now lost.
The wide left margin does not work with the table layout.
the default margins create very narrow pages that can't be set to normal width.
If you were trying to create a single editor format for mobile and web browsers that won't work without using page layout controls in the editor and page layout templates.
@jemm1 When you create a page does it give you the options of "Blank page" and "Try the new editing experience"? "Blank page" should create a page with the olc (TinyMCE) editor.
@Cameron LaBorde-Zank , If you don't see it, the new editor has not been turned on in your Cloud instance.
Good guess, unfortunately, incorrect. I do not see options and Blank Pages are created in new editor.
@Darryl St_ Pierre sorry you're wrong. It got turned on 6 months ago. Most likely because we're in the state where its been turned on, turned off, turned on, turned half off, it doesnt show that template.
Ok, here is another option. I believe that if you create a template it is still created in the old editor as they don't have creating templates set up for the new editor yet. You could create a blank template called "Blank page - old editor" or something like that. The when you create a page pick that template.
@Davin Studer Just tried it, did not work, unfortunately. Could be a nice trick! :)
Probably, template had to be created before new editor roll out.
Does anyone definitively know how to enable/disable the new editor?
My cloud instance seems to have a mix of both, but I cannot find any configuration setting to indicate whether it is enabled or disabled? My instance also is missing the template. As usual, Atlassian documentation is seriously lacking in this area...
I don't think you can control this yourself (not in a normal way).
Once Atlassian converted your site, your existing pages will use the old editor and new pages use the new editor.
If the "try the new editor" template is not listed in the template list, it is an indication that your site has been converted.
There are posts indicating how to get the old editor back by copying old pages and cleaning them out, but results seems to be mixed.
I think many people here would be *very* happy, me included, if Atlassian would provide an option to control which editor your site is using.
I sure as heck hope the 'new experience' cr*p NEVER hits the server version since we rely on it's stability and functionality to support space flight missions. If it does we will cease upgrades from the last useable version.
At least the current server version, combined with all the really useful plugins (drawio, Comala work flows, numbered headings, Scroll Word exporter) combined with server Jira and BigGantt or BigPicture, and using the REST API for automation integration is still incredibly potent as a basis for a fully integrated project environment.
The rollout of the 'new experience' on cloud has been a disastrous comedy of lost core functionality and corruption of workflows. Its a good thing we currently use our cloud site just for notes and not much that is critical or supports operational processes.
If some marketing morons thought that 'simplify for mobile' was a good idea and this debacle has been the result, then they should be fired.
We have over a decade of corporate knowledge captured and multiple missions supported in Confluence and Jira sites/projects, so we can't easily ditch it, but there are alternatives for those who are fed up (I rather like XWiki) or, just by freezing on a solid server version.
You are right this new editor should never be released to the server version.
Normally larger businesses invest in the server version. This new editor would be a disaster for the majority of those businesses.
I've run many other wikis: SharePoint, JSPWiki, Alfresco, Liferay, Domino. I haven't run XWiki but it looked reasonable given the features. You can run the free open-source version as a server or subscribe to their cloud version.
Hi @Avinoam,
I've just tried it out and I love it! It's far more intuitive, and the macro live preview is great. I also like that the { shortcut to insert a macro has been replaced with / 👍
Thanks for the positive feedback @Manon Soubies-Camy ! Will let the team know!
It is a great start! However, how do I disable it on confluence cloud? I can't find it under global templates. I would prefer testing the feature myself before promoting it to the users
Found it. "Fabric Editor Blueprint".
Oh! I wondered what that was. It just appeared out of nowhere. (As a sometime costumer, I was intrigued by the idea of editing fabric!) But I have almost no admin rights on this contract job, so the last thing I need is experimental stuff I can't delete.
I would like to disable the whole thing altogether until they fixed at least the basic bugs. Although I don't mind using it for new content, it messes up my existing content after editing. Can I opt-out or roll back somewhere?
@Maurice Pasman would love to hear some examples of how it's messed up existing content and how we can improve that! Also would be more than happy to jump on a call and discuss in detail.
@Avinoam That would be great, I would be happy to show you the problem, just drop me an email and we'll set it up. I am sure you can get my contact details from my profile.
Also, check https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/CONFCLOUD-65650 :-)
This is impacting us as well. Tables and especially the JIRA Issue/Filter macro - the columns in the table are now fixed width and creating scroll within a scroll (horizontal) which is extremely inconvenient. This impacted our existing pages and is causing much frustration.
Agreed: This is our biggest complaint for the Jira Service Desk "knowledge base"... ALL the articles are automatically "narrow-laned" making it impossible for wide tables impossible to viewable by our customers. (I believe there's a ticket even open for this.. i'm scratching my head as to why this would be included in this new experience).
This macro is no where to be found in the 'new experience':
Agreed. There is some design problem they are having that prevents them from offering a responsive web experience for different devices using this new format. Clearly, the old editor provided better formatting options for Web pages. My guess is the narrow column format is intended for mobile. It isn't hard to do responsive formatting for both
It took a while for me to find that The anchor macro is temporarily unavailable, looking forward to it being restored :) So far looks good, love the /
Has there been confirmation that it's coming back? I use this macro a lot!
It will be back but there is no deadline for that. I have used workarounds mentioned here
to get anchor for headings for now.
We use the anchor macro all the time, so it's very disappointing to have it removed, because we'd love to use the new editor.
Because of a long-existing bug where the TOC macro is broken when viewing Confluence articles through the Jira Service Desk Help Center, we can't use that workaround.
Would be great if Confluence development team would talk to Jira Service Desk development team about how their new product changes interact with each other?
@Inga thank you for the feedback! We're working on making these changes easier to learn about and discover in our documentation. Sorry it took a while to find it.
@Sharon Helms we'll definitely follow up internally on that TOC bug.
Please let us know when anchors are added to the release roadmap. We heavily use this feature in numbered lists where the header workaround can't be used.
Here is a JQL query of the public-facing Jira board of issues associated with anchor. If any of them pertain, make sure that you vote for it and add any pertinent comments.
I'm not seeing the "change comment" box at the bottom of the new editing page. Does this functionality still exist?
I'm not seeing it, either.
Along those lines, just noticed that Publish without notifying watchers is a selection in More actions (the three buttons on the top right) instead of the check box to select/unselect. I use that functionality a lot, and having to use a dropdown to find that option is not optimal, in my opinion. Would love to see that action tied to a keyboard shortcut, at the very least.
@Darryl St_ Pierre the change comment box is one of the features we've removed from the fabric editor for the time being and are looking to get more feedback on.
@Dan Winkler having that as a keyboard shortcut is a great suggestion. Rationale to it being slightly more hidden was that in its previous state it didn't get much usage but we still found it to be useful so we wanted to bring it back in a bit of a more subtle manner and wait for feedback before we replicate existing behavior all together.
@Avinoam having it hidden in a dropdown makes it more likely that I will forget to use it when making a minor page edit. Don't want to overwhelm page watchers with notifications!
Thank you for the feedback @JoAnna Black . We have early explorations on how we'd reintroduce this in a more prominent way but are at this point still collecting more feedback on it.
@Avinoam I think the change comment box is an essential part of Confluence. I always add a comment, no matter how big or small the change, and find it invaluable when I need to go back to one of our internal release pages and find out the why/when/who of a significant change we made to our software documentation.
I can't imagine developers checking in code without being required to add a comment to their commit, and that's how I feel about the change comment box. I wish there was a way to make that a mandatory step of all page edits, so I think losing that ability would be a major whiff in the new editor.
I totally and completely agree with @Dan Winkler about the change comment box. Just seeing version numbers is not very helpful if review is needed.
Definitely require that change comment box in the company as it helps especially for audit purposes.
Thanks @Dan Winkler , @JoAnna Black and @Patricia for that feedback - it's great context to have and take back to the team.
Agree @Patricia and @Dan Winkler . We've used this as part of our documentation process for a while now. If not the comment box in its current form, maybe a macro that, if placed on a template or page, becomes required.
Change comments are an important part of our process. Looking at a history without them is very cumbersome.
Amazing, that the decision was made not to be able to add comments with version publishing. We used that extensively.
@Avinoam it being half a year later, we now run into this same exact problem that the revision comment box disappeared. Please put it back somewhere ASAP or allow us to use the old interface.
The logic behind removing it makes no sense. They said they got rid of it because it wasn't widely used. What harm is there in keeping it for those that have taken advantage of this feature? Those who don't will continue to ignore it....
Having metadata about a change is crucial. Otherwise, everyone is like, why did he change that.
Also, I often edit pages and don't want everyone notified. Why not make that a prominent, explicit decision by the end user like it used to be? Nothing will drive people quicker to unwatch pages than to get a bunch of useless updates or not know what they are for.
https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/CONFCLOUD-65695 is a Jira ticket for the public-facing issue list. If this is important to you, please add your vote or additional comments to try and prod/goad Atlassian to work on this.
Hey, I can't seem to figure out how to insert an image from another page! When I /file, it just lets me upload new images from my computer. Any help?
Thanks for your response, I tried that and it seems to make a new (identical) image, which is pretty useless for my application.. We need a shared instances of a diagram so subsequent diagram updates propagate across every related page.. as it stands with the new editor we would have to update each individually.. I will play around more with that, maybe I can trick the editor into linking an existing image.. is there a source editor available?
Sorry, read you question as a different need.
So what you'll want is either a link to the source document, or a live preview of the document.
Hyperlink for the first, and I believe you'll need a plug-in for the second.
Put the image on a single page, and re-use it using the page include macro (would be my solution).
https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/CONFCLOUD-10509 is the public-facing Jira ticket for this issue IMHO. If this is important to you, please add your vote and/or comments to this page to show Atlassian how important this is.
I'm trying to get Atlassian to re-open this issue. It is currently closed with a resolution of "Timed out", whatever that means!
https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/CONFCLOUD-65640 --- This might be the best active issue on this
It's very nice but seems quite limited. What happened to the "page layout" section where you could select columns and how they are placed. Sometimes you want the left colum to be bigger than the right.
Either way I have started to use it since it is the new experience so why not? I have used it to update the meeting notes blueprint.
What I can't seem to figure out is how to use the new editor with the GLOBAL templates. I want to create one using this. Am I missing something or is it not implemented yet?
Page layout option still exists, it's called Columns now. You can either pull it up as /columns or from the drop-down macro menu.
It appears that the new editor is not available for Global Templates yet. I would suggest using the Feedback option at the bottom of a page you've already created with the new editor and asking/commenting about it. I'm not convinced yet that Atlassian is actively watching the comments on this page (yet).
Darryl, Yes I have seen that but columns seem to be a very very simplified version of what I am looking for. A little too simplified. I played with it and it will have to do but it's definitely not as robust.
I see what you mean. I hadn't played with it enough, and I thought I had read that things were adjustable. Apparently not.
Only two columns!!!!!!!!!!!!!, 2 or 3 and all equal size. SO we are missing quite a few column options.
Yeah, wondering how they arrived at that design choice. Maybe they reviewed the macro usage and determined that it wasn't used much...?
Hoping it changes.
As I mentioned in another post here, it's unclear that Atlassian is reviewing this page, so use the Feedback option at the bottom of pages using new editor to let them know you want it.
Feedback has been given trust me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi all!
Thank you for all the feedback regarding Columns (formerly known as Sections or Page Layouts).
I'll try and provide some rationale as to why we've rolled out with 2 and 3 columns.
@Darryl St_ Pierre touched on the usage aspect which is part of the motivation, as the 2 and 3 columns absolutely get used the most. Additional motivation is to take an iterative approach and learn how in the future we can make columns even better than they used to be vs. copying them as is - so all this feedback is extremely useful!
One of the main reasons is the desire, based on old editor feedback over the years, to help everyone make great looking pages by default which are easily consumable across all devices - something which the old sections layouts doesn't really do well, especially on mobile. The new ones are responsive and will stack vertically on smaller screens to maintain the intent of the content wherever it's being viewed.
We also made a point of making the 2 and 3 columns have the ability to break out of fixed width and go into either wide or full width to help with maintaining the high information density nature of the content that usually is added to them.
By all means, though, we don't have our heels dug in the ground and are eagerly waiting for this kind of feedback, so thank you for raising it!
@Avinoam thanks for giving some background to the changes with columns. It makes sense, especially making it work better on mobile devices.
We really only have two problems with the columns as it is now:
@Thomas Øhrbom I'll try to address your great feedback as best as I can:
1. I hear you on this as it's something we debated long and hard about as to the tradeoff between easily creating beautiful and highly legible content vs. catering to the side panel use case. We ended up landing on an approach where we wanted to gain more feedback first and early so we can rethink columns from the ground up and make them even better than they were vs. replicating them as is. With this in mind, like for many other key features we're actively seeking feedback just like this to inform the future iterations of columns. Would be wonderful if you could add a suggestion for this - or let me know if you'd me to do so on your behalf!
2. Would love to hear more details on this - today you can add columns either via the + menu -> columns or by typing "/columns" into the page. I actually didn't follow what you meant by "how you can have two/three columns in part of your document and one (none) in other parts." - could you please elaborate?
@Avinoam For many pages I have used the three column section where left and right are tighter.
I think @Thomas Øhrbom is saying he wants to use different section types on one page. I use this too. Many of my pages use the side sections to add graphics that correspond to text in the section. Then I use a full page section to put a line that visually distinguishes the sections.
I guess an interesting question here would be: What will happen to templates (and existing documents) created with the "old" column options once the rollout is complete? Will they be unusable until modified, or can the user community maintain their old style formatting until a document refresh occurs? It might be an easier pill to swallow if users could control this until ready to reformat a particular set of documentation.
However, I understand this may be easier said than done, and if there's not a cutoff some will continue to keep the old forever...
This decision has really crippled me. More severe than column width is the loss of sections, enabling the number of columns to change throughout the document. I challenge you to create the something that resembles Wikipedia pages with the new editor; you just can't do it.
Regarding your statement that 2 and 3 columns were used most extensively; I suspect that this is because page formatting and sections was not easily discovered. I can't tell you how many times people have come to me wanting to know how I created pages with differing columns throughout.
And then there are frames with custom formatting of colors.
All gone in the new editor.
@Avinoam I realize that the new editor has to have included a lot of trade-offs. I realize that compromises had to be made, but I need to emphasize how serious the situation is with the new editor. It has so crippled our ability to create useful content and has created such a massive backlog of content editing as a result of losing sections with different numbers of columns that I am forced to consider a recommendation that we abandon the use of Confluence at the corporate level, just as I was on the verge of recommending that we create a federation of the dozens of independent licenses across the company and move gradually to a large single cloud license. You have literally wiped away every argument I was making in convincing our IT department to accept Confluence as a corporate standard as opposed to the many small independent instances that they have been trying to kill. I honestly don't think you understand the gravity of the situation that I and many others like me are in.
@Mike Thompson I want to thank you for the open and honest feedback - we don't take that lightly and I apologize that this is the sentiment - it's absolutely not an outcome we want for our customers.
I'd like to propose jumping on a call to discuss this more in depth and learn more specifically if there's anything we can learn/do to help alleviate this situation.
Would you be open to that?
@Avinoam I'll try to elaborate on my two issues with respect to columns:
Hope this helps.
I really want this to be sorted out, and I still believe it will be. But time will run out in a few short weeks. I have sold in Confluence Cloud as the new solution on a corporate level at my employer. With the introduction of the Fabric Editor quite a few of the key functionalities that made us choose Confluence Cloud have been broken or simply disappeared. This is, in a word, challenging.
@Thomas Øhrbom Cool to read how you are using Confluence for this purpose. I did the same thing a few years ago, and now it's the main product of my company (instant27001.com) with 30+ customers now using it. And they are all about to enter the same world of hurt after their instances are going to be upgraded.
I really hope Atlassian will fix the most blatant bugs before they push it onto them.
@Maurice Pasman that is interesting. I'm implementing this setup in my third company now. Started working with Confluence like this about five years ago. Would love to exchange ideas and experience going forward.
And yes, you should hold off on switching to the Fabric Editor as long as you can with the setup you describe.
Thank you for elaborating @Thomas Øhrbom !
The bug of excerpt include macro not working is a top priority issue and is very close to being resolved - I will be sure to update as soon as it's fixed asap!
@Avinoam, I see now that you asked me about reporting a suggestion issue for the column functionality. I would be very happy with you reporting this on my behalf, and sharing the issue ID here. Cheers!
@Thomas Øhrbom , also - the excerpt include macro already has a fix in place and we should be resolving https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/CONFCLOUD-65582 by this week.
The new emoji tools are nice, finally the convention I'm used to with other apps.
We opted to have the new editor (fabric editor) enabled on our new Confluence Cloud instance. We have started a project introducing Confluence to 500 users in stage 1, and then later this year we will expand to 2500 users. We figured since this change is coming anyways within a few weeks (from what we understand), it would be better to have the users be onboarded using this new editor right away, rather than using the old editor first for a few weeks, then learn a new editor shortly thereafter.
Turns out the new fabric editor is very far from ready to be used as a full replacement for the old. We have found a lot of serious issues, and so far these issues are at the "Atlassian Investigating" stage. Here is a shortlist of major issues:
All in all this is very frustrating and we have had to (temporarily) stop our project.
PS! I've now added links to the bug reports.
Wow. Lots of information here, thanks for sharing.
We're trying to rebuild our documentation processes and are currently in a holding pattern due to some other priorities. I saw this as a great opportunity to get this functionality turned on while usage was at a minimum. After being told we couldn't opt-in early (contrary to the announcement page), we suddenly had it available.
I'm still kicking the tires, but some of the comments on this page have been eye-opening. I haven't found much yet that's going to have a huge impact on us, just some annoyances, but it's only been two working days...
Basically any macro that accepts a rich contents get's broken
We are affected by this for both of our cloud plugins - ConfiForms (where you can define your custom layouts for the forms, with using any other macros to build a truly custom and user friendly forms) and with ConfiTemplates, where you can include content and excerpts from other pages and Confluence templates and mix them with page properties to create dynamic pages
We have spend so much time and efforts to make these plugins to work the same way in server and in the cloud and allow our users even to copy and re-use the configuration with copy-paste... but now - we have no idea what to do.
New editor just does not provide enough flexibility for us
We have tested a few more days now, and the list of broken/missing functionality keeps growing day by day. Here are some additional highlights
In browser preview of uploaded attachments broken - this goes for Chrome and IE. Clicking on an attachment listed in line on a page no longer brings up a preview. In IE nothing happens, in Chrome the progress indicator spins forever. Workaround is to use Incognito Mode or restart browser. Vote for CONFCLOUD-65624
I've now added links to registered bugs. Please help vote for resolution of these bugs.
My company's main product is content created using Confluence. Customers purchase a space export and take it from there. After I have seen what the fabric editor does to my existing content (we make extensive use of page properties, page includes. excerpt and info panels), I am very much fearing for the future. My customers are not going to be happy.
Incidentally, my customers are also Atlassian's customers.
So, I just created my space yesterday and I got into these 500 users? Can I not participate in this test please? I really need the old editor.
Will there also be a way to have somehow more than just 4 colors (red, yellow, green, blue... gray is no color) to colorize e.g. tablecells or status badges?
That would really help for a lot of things to be addressed. How about adding colors like orange,violet,cyan,pink, etc.
I dream of the day they let us set our own colour scheme. There are very few colours to chose from and a lot of them are a bit ridiculous. The status colours dont bother me to much but the rest of the colours do. To just be able to add a few colours of my own would be amazing. or define 4 colours for a colour scheme. anything really.
@Helge can you please share more info as the new tables in the new editor have 8 color selection and status has 6.
Completely hear you @Dominic Jalsevac on custom color selection! I've passed that feedback to the team.
I would love to be able to use cell shading that matches our company colors—or just colors of my choosing. Eight isn't enough and pastels aren't always wanted. Give me a palette!
You now have 21 choices for the cell background color.
It's 2019 and we can't choose the color palette for the documents we create? The 21 colors are all of the "pastel" variety. I prefer deep, rich colors - Navy Blue, Forest Green, Orange, Black, etc. etc. What is going on!? So very strange.
Atlassian treats us as if we are just lowly/dumb users of their systems, and not intelligent knowledge workers!
The removal of all the prior colors that were available (and pretty standard) is a pain point for us as well. The response I received from Atlassian was that these were removed to make the scheme more friendly to those who are colorblind, but a better alternative would have been to add an accessibility mode for those who need it.
WOOT! WOOT! The /status macro now supports purple, along with grey,red,yellow,green, and blue! However, the outline style is no longer supported. +1/-5 (this is the NEW progress!)
Also, if you use the new /status macro in a /PageProperties macro in the new editor, any purple is turned to Grey in the /PagePropertiesReport
I don't understand all the positive feedback. Here is what I see in the new editor:
You added some cool new features but made the basics worse.
The basics are important. I'll gladly trade all the improvements for the old experience.
Absolutely agree with Mike! Old experience is way better than this "new"
I also find it very difficult (and unpredictable) to copy "stuff" around when editing the page.
Yes, cutting and pasting is a pain
I'm wondering what you consider "old experience". In my view, the prior experience was editor hell. You can go back and read all the massive complaints with none or very little response from Atlassian (other than tough, live with it). At least here you have someone responding to the posts with assurances that some if not most of the concerns are being looked at (not that they will be addressed.
I agree that the old editor sucks and an update was needed, but to do so and remove very basic functionality in the process seems ill conceived. One of the reasons I resisted our IT department's demand that we move to Microsoft Teams Wiki's was the argument that being able to set narrow column widths with a large center column and being able to create new sections with different numbers of columns is critical to being able to effectively organize information. It can be done with Teams, but not without programming. Confluence claim to fame was how it enabled non-technical creators of content to create attractive pages without any programming. Atlassian has taken away a very fundamental feature of Confluence with no warning and no recourse.
I agree. There are aspects of the new editor that I like, but on the whole I think it has been poorly executed ... much like the fiasco with the nav bar in Confluence Cloud. personally feel that you have not brought the new editor up-to-par and need to hold off making it default until the issues addressed in this discussion are resolved.
I used hierarchical lists in almost every page that I edit. Removing the indentation options removes some important, basic functionality.
You hit on the crux of the issue. Atlassian keeps trying to provide simpler and simpler tools that any idiot can use.
The problem is summed up by a corollary of Murphy's Law
If you make a system so simple that an idiot can use it, then only IDIOTS will want to use it!
@Pratima --- Please stop the "dumbing-down" of your product. We (your users), do not want to be spoon-fed baby food!
The tools that are really useful are those that are like Legos. The kit may come with instructions for a few models, but ultimately you are going to take all the parts, use all the flexibility and customization bits, and build something the vendor has probably never considered - including integration with many other things from other vendors or created by the 'user' (developer...).
If you remove functionality that enables that composability in order to 'simplify' the experience for naive users who just want the 'out of the box', spoon-fed 'experience', the tools loose their enterprise utility.
From an aesthetics point of view, the new editor is better, but that's about it, it's like a poorly executed clone of Dropbox Paper.
There are fewer features and the features that are still there don't really work very well.
Trying to add images is an absolute pain before I could copy text including images from other sources and it would add it all in and upload the images whilst retaining some of the formattings at least, now just get image not found.
Once I managed to get the images in, there is no way to move them around, the scaling thing works nicely until you try getting 2 or more images horizontally.
Two is just about manageable using the left and right wrap options, but if there is so much as a space in between them it will freak out, but want to move an image up a row nothing happens, try to do a cut and paste that doesn't work.
There's even less control when trying to add images into an Expand macro
The code block macro doesn't Syntax highlight very well, if at all and there is no choice in the theme like before.
Once you get to the bottom of the screen it jaggedly tries to expand, maybe having a bottom margin would help. Also, get a double scroll window so the task-panel at the top scrolls up out of view, but scrolling up just scrolls the text area.
I can see what they are going for but it just makes things more awkward really, really hope it gets some much-needed improvements.
Confluence is a great tool in general, but since the more recent updates to the way tables are managed (in the cloud version), all my projects are broken.
We use tables extensively, and due to the column sizing not working anymore, they are a complete mess.
I spoke with support, and the issues are known. However I don't feel they are going to get love any time soon.
I'd love to vote it up, since I am also bugged by this, but there does not seem to be a bug related to this on https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/CONFCLOUD.
I have pages using a 2 column table, the first column being too small (single words are broken up) and the second (containing a page include) ending up so wide, a horizontal scroll bar is added to the published page.
They have just created https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/CONFCLOUD-65650 after investigating my support request. Please vote it up :-).
@Richard Franke I'm so sorry to hear about your experience with tables lately!
I can assure you that we're looking into this on two fronts as a top priority:
1. Tables on new pages created using the new editor. Column sizing bugs are top priority and we're working to resolve these asap.
2. Tables on migrated pages - would love if you could share some examples with us so we can learn how to improve this, aside from bugs of course. Would be happy to jump on a call.
Can content that is created on a "new" instance (using Fabric editor) still be exported and be used on an "older" or "server" instance?
The storage format seems to be the same - have not tried the export/import though. REST API calls and storage parsing still works in our plugins, so assuming, the format is the same.
What you cannot do is to copy from cloud to server (and from server to cloud) editors anymore. Is totally possible with old editor and works well for many cases (when you have same macros / plugins).
WHAT? Really? Is this introduced with the Fabric Editor? What have they done!
How can I insert a web link image? Here is the old way... Ironically, clicking the camera icon in this editor is similar, allowing reference to a URL...
I found a way to do this... you have to edit the page source though. Look at the page source on one of your old pages with a linked image.. then copy that code and replace the url.
Not a great solution, but a way to work around if needed.
Is there a way to get the old page format back? This would be left-aligned text. I'm now looking at 1/3 of the available browser width. It feels very restricted. There is a lot of wasted screen real-estate.
A major benefit of having the page left-aligned is that many times I have several browser windows open and I will move the browser windows themselves so I can view content on each page easier. I can't do that very well with text that is aligned in the center of the page.
That would be nice yeah. While it looks nice and clean at first sight, it is just not so suitable for most use cases for Confluence where lots of text are involved (wiki, documentation).
Looks like the UX architects behind this changes were only "mobile first" thinking. I can't explain this centering idea other than that.
Yes, this centering of the text is just wasting screen estate and feels very unnaturally when writing technical documentation.
Same with the increased space between lines (shift+enter no longer seems to work) and the increased font size.
I like the new "inline" menu and the context menus with the tables, but it does not compensate for the text centering
We all have 34" widescreen monitors, and the fixed width 'feature' is shocking! it looks awful on our monitors. Can't find a way to either a) turn off fixed width, or b) change the size of it.
So much wasted space.. awful awful awful! Please make this optional and not mandatory!
To everyone annoyed about the forced centering: please go to this issue and vote it up / watch it (links on the right side of the page)
As a workaround, as of today, you can still use the old editor like this:
I doubt the "mobile first" thinking, as you cannot anymore edit these new tech pages with the mobile app v2.33.0. That thing makes this whole feature totally useless. I already started to like this new UX, but disappointment was huge when I couldn't anymore edit with mobile.
is there any updates coming soon to the mobile app sw?
@tapani the limitation on editing new editor pages on mobile is an intentional, yet very temporary, measure we took because we're actively working on releasing a new editing and viewing experience on mobile very soon as well.
Would love to walk you through some of the changes and get your feedback over the phone or in person at Summit if you'll be attending. If you'd like to schedule some time before please feel free to by using this link.
Totally agree about the centering. There's so much real estate wasted forcing everyone to scroll more than they need to.
What were they thinking?!
This is really a great improvement. Some things I couldn't figure out:
The restricted page width looks and feels like a bug to me. It is very odd to have the text floating in the middle of the page. It makes the product unusable for me. I will file a bug report.
Yes! Full width / left aligned text is absolutely necessary. I've been very annoyed at the new forced centering and wasted space...
How can I add multiple images into a page publication? Before the changes I used macro with just 2 or 3 clicks: like macro, add (or insert) images, then a system window where I could add several images at once, then they appeared as thumbs in the macro window and when uploaded - publishing. Then I could organize them on the page as I wanted - change their width, break them with a new line etc.
Now I have to click on Macro icon, then there is no according tool in the drop-down menu - you have to click on View More (!!!!!), then you see a Gallery macro, where you supposedly can add several images at once but you have to specify the number of columns!!!
I'm really frustrated! You ever heard a saying "Better is the enemy of the good"?
I need to add many images and organize them easily like it was before. But looks like even if you decide to bring it back, months will pass.
Also, this width...
Something's different/broken since about 10 days, perhaps related with this update.
We cannot indent whole bullet list using the indent button. Bullet list stays locked to the left side. Only second/subsequent items in the bullet list can be indented but that is not what we are looking for.
Any idea?
I'm working with a lot of legacy pages and creating new ones. Fortunately the existing bullet lists are untouched. If I copy/paste a bullet and the list indented under it, the indent comes with it. But what a pain.
Yes it's a workaround. But what a pain. I hope it gets resolved soon.
There appear to be 7 related Jira tickets in the public-facing CONFCLOUD project, related to this. 5 of which are Bugs, and 2 are suggestions. Pick any or all of them and comment on and/or vote for the ones that you think best describe the issue. (Maybe) Atlassian will listen.
I suggest that Atlassian spend less time on new features, and more time on fixing bugs or use case flaws in the features which exist thus far. Once stability / use-ability is returned, they can go back to the fun and sparkly side of development.
People have been suggesting this for years, but it seems that just keep going in the opposite direction
I'm really digging the new editing experience, especially the addition of Action Items, Decisions, and the improved table interface.
I'm curious when this new editing experience will be available for creating templates. Our project is looking to leverage templates much more to speed up documentation, but when creating templates there's not an option for choosing the editing experience. When is this planned to be released for templates?
@Aaron Cheney as we're rolling out gradually, this will reach most customers within the next few weeks, so stay tuned. We'll be announcing it with emails and in-product banners so you won't miss it (hopefully)!
Hey @Avinoam, just following up on my question from above regarding the ability to use the fabric editor experience for creating templates.
It'd be great to create templates with this new editor.
Has this been made widely available? And if not, what does the timeline look like?
Has anyone found a way or workaround to add the collapse and expand feature to a code block or any other part of a page? This was available before, but now I can't find it.
/expand ?
@Bodavo you can add expand either via the + menu or "/expand" on the page, but you currently can't nest it into other block content like tables and code block. That is something we're working on enabling in the future, so stay tuned.
@Avinoam - any update on the nesting of macro blocks? It's been six months since you posted the comment of enabling it "in the future" and it still doesn't work.
The support agent I was discussing things with just opened a ticket for nesting Note/Info/etc. macro blocks I believe.
So I suspect that is a "no"...
I get beta software not working as expected, and even having limited functionality due to not being done yet, but this seems like they're pushing it as a fully fledged offering to compete with, and be better than, the old experience. While what is there often looks prettier than the old editor, there's so much that is crippled or non-existent. It's so frustrating to try to use this new feature because it's objectively so much worse than the old one.
Can you provide an ETA for embedding the /expand inside a table?
@Joanna Chodzynska we're actively working on this. It should become available in a couple of months. I'm keeping timelines vague as it's still in early stages of development. We'll absolutely be sure to communicate as this becomes available.
You can now embed a /code macro inside an /expand macro.
Do you mean add an image to a page and have it load a page or something when clicked? Doesn't seem to be an obvious way to do that.
If you mean adding a link to a page that brings up a picture when clicked, that's just the Link macro on the toolbar
Yes, add an image to a page and it loads a page when clicked, it was possible before.
The Task Report macro is now also broken. It is no longer possible to edit settings of the Task report macro in the Fabric Editor (see CONFCLOUD-65666).
The list of major issues with this new editor keeps growing day by day.
So far not a single issue we have reported has been resolved.
@Thomas Øhrbom thank you for logging that! We just resolved it!
@Avinoam thanks!
I'm crossing my fingers and hoping you will get to all the other issues I've logged on the Fabric Editor also soon :-)
Some of you know this, some may not...
This page is (seemingly) not actively monitored by Atlassian. If you discover issues or limitations, there are two things you can do:
Hi all,
Apologies if this page went feeling unmonitored - it absolutely is and you should have seen a bunch of comments by me both here and to the bugs/suggestions you've logged.
Generally though, @Darryl St_ Pierre 's recommendation above is spot on since it helps us get better and we look at all the bugs/issues logged either via support or directly within the editor on a daily basis.
Thank you!
Senior Product Manager, Confluence Cloud
@Avinoam , thank you for all the feedback! I can't speak for anyone else, but it was feeling a little quiet in here since the page was originally published. On the plus side, it's been great seeing what people have been running up against, especially since my org has a a lull in new content creation recently.
Has anyone figured out how to link to the top of a page with the table of contents workaround?
I think the easiest way (which sucks) is just to make a link to the page itself, it should reload at the top. Its not pretty but nothing in this update is.
@Avinoam Don't take the reduction in discussion here as acceptance. The responses have not resolved things, rather they have demonstrated a lack of customer sensitivity on the part of Atlassian to the point that people are giving up. I for one have concluded that Atlassian's response has been so poor that I've convinced my company to quit using Confluence and even start moving engineering off of Jira. As a Software Manager with decades of experience I am quite honestly amazed to see a software company make such a fundamental change in their product, affecting a large swath of their customers with no warning, no advanced documentation regarding how to transition, no response to the pleas to go back,... Just a minor adjustment to leave existing pages on the old editor while literally forcing customers to the new editor for new pages, so now customers must adjust to two very different environments, or, as I am doing, move new pages not to the new editor, but to a new tool. While I have discovered, by accident mostly, that I could do some of the things I thought were missing, it should have been easier, and the issues that remain are often dismissed as "Users will adjust, this is just resistance to change." No, it is not resistance to change, it is resistance to a company that does not understand its own customers and how they use the software.
Indeed. I have been trying for the past several weeks to get moved back to the old version of the editor for my sites, and now find myself with a project which has some pages on the old, and some on the new. How the hell does that even happen? Its infuriating. I think one of the lads put it well some time back on this forum..."people should be getting fired"
The response from Atlassian lately has been "lets talk about this privately" which both A. hides discussion and official responses behind an easily deniable shield (unless you are recording your phone calls with them which i highly recommend doing). and B. attempts to conflate the issue of the massive economic impact of these ill-conceived actions with a friendly community approach. If we wanted to be part of community designed software we would be using an open source wiki, we're paying customers and being constantly disrespected.
Even worse is that this was clearly an attempt to avoid having to do internal QA on this update, turning customers in to testers. The fact that anyone using this product could file a support ticket and be the first reporter of an issue is absurd. So many of the problems are obvious and would be discovered by any QA team within hours of running a test pass.
@Cameron LaBorde-Zank Thank you for putting this so thoughtfully. I think this is the exact sentiment expressed in most of the comments on this post summed up eloquently.
I most certainly agree with you. Lack of QA and detailed response unavailable to the community as a whole is unacceptable.
Personally I must say I find the Confluence team to be quite responsive. They engage actively in dialogue with the community, and we are kept up-to-date on development on the issues we have reported.
Sure there has been some frustration, but most of the serious issues we have reported have now been addressed, and I am confident the remaining issues will be addressed as well.
I’m facing with the issue that the new experience pages cannot be edited on mobile devices. Have you got the schedule for the iOS application update? Or is there any workaround for that? Thank you
@Roland Doros sorry for the temporary inconvenience this is causing! The new editing experience on mobile is something we're working feverishly on and should become available in the upcoming weeks. We'll make sure it's widely known once it becomes available!
Until the issues listed are resolved, can we just add an option now to create a new page with the old editor or the new editor? That should be a very quick change.
When will the old editor be an option on new pages? We have shutdown new wiki sites until we have the option of using the old editor.
Off topic - looking for assistance or info on how to recover a confluence page that was accidentally written over. Googled and see instructions; however, they refer to "trash" which we are not seeing under "Content". It is possible to recover a page that was written over?
Tammy - If you click on the three dots in the upper right corner of the screen and then select Page History, you can restore to any previously published version.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE permanently keep the old editing experience as an option since it is so much more powerful and easy to use
Please do not ruin Confluence by forcing this unholy non-wiki 'thing' on us as an editor.
Thank you.
Please do not roll out this piece of crap! This is so amateurish!
The seamless editing experience is gone and so are the important features to create a beautiful documentation.
This is a major step back for the user experience.
I really feel like whoever designed this is not actually using confluence:
The blog even highlights that anchor macro's aren't available... who in their right minds would release a wiki tool that does not have this functionality! That really blows my mind...
But hey... it doesn't matter because now we have custom emoji's....!?!?
Product manager + all committee involved in this release kindly note.
I have raised issues since last week and this week I am totally disabled. Cannot create new pages or edit my existing ones due to the new editing experience. It is just untested cr*p thrown on us paying customers. I cannot do my work.
Would be great if the design team could think through some of the E2E cases instead of just enabling an editor with Markdown and emojis, and focus on releasing stuff that works or allowing users to choose what risks they would prefer to take (eg "hey this is alpha, use at your own risk" would be a kind gesture).
I'm sure these are all very nice for general wiki/communication use cases but they do nothing for the "as a Jira reporting tool" which is primary benefit? of being JIRA-integrated (and pricing related).
Extracying/tabulating/pivoting/charting JIRA data for non-JIRA level users requires a host of workarounds, 3rd-party add-ons and the like.
We would like to see serous attention to proper Excel "intimacy" and/or decent native BI-like features.There are lots of brand alternatives for "page creating" without JIRA-ness. Not sure how "looks nice, doesn't intelligently leverage JIRA" wins that battle for Atlassian
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