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Bug Fix: Sourcetree for Windows authentication error when updating to app password


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March 22, 2022 edited

Can confirm that deleting the password file worked for me



Just to confirm, updated to latest Sourcetree, set up app passwords on BitBucket, deleted the existing Sourcetree authorisation account, added the bitbucket account back in with HTTPS, Username (not email) and the new app password, deleted the password file, restarted the app.

Soley Davis
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March 23, 2022

Hi, I have tried all the steps and is not working

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March 23, 2022 edited


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March 23, 2022

Deleting the passwd file and restarting SourceTree did it for me. Thank you!

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March 24, 2022

You need to change the url to repositori like this:

  • https://[bitbucket_cloud_username]:[AppPassword][workpace]/[repository].git


AppPassord is required in repository link, without the password, it desn't work.

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Rimantas Endriukaitis
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March 25, 2022

This is terrible change from user perspective. I am not payed for working three days to figure out how to switch to some "new cool login features". Shame on Atlassian and Sourcetree.

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Pawel Cioch
March 25, 2022 edited

Another solution I found working is to update your credential manager if you are on windows

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March 25, 2022

i love that guy... That work for me 

Jason Fink
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March 31, 2022 edited

Deleting the C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Local\Atlassian\SourceTree\passwd file after other steps worked for me.
Make sure you create AppPassword with enough privileges  to Push and then use that new AppPassword instead of your BitBucket account one.

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March 31, 2022

I just pass over an hour to try get it works... nothing of what mentionned above was working. 

I was try to clone a project from BibBucket. I finally try to remove the "Username@" in the clone URL and SourceTree textbox then SourceTree popup a credential pw box. I've entered my Username and the app password (as indicated here I did created earlier and then it works... I was able to complete cloning task. Hope that could help anyone having this issue. 

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Chip Broecker April 5, 2022 edited

This worked for me and is a great improvement over the troublesome delete password credential process for me, I am using OAuth authentication.   If you are using OAuth at your company, you should be happy.   I just followed the instructions.

1. I authenticated to Bitbucket cloud using an id that is not an email address using Chrome.

2. I upgraded to sourcetree 3.4.8 from 3.4.2

3. I removed the bitbucket account in Options..Authentication,  and then hit the "refresh OAuth token" button and got the success method.

This was so much easier than all the previous messing around with the Credential Manager.   Periodically, I would lose connectivity and then it would take hours of frustration to get it back working.  

Venkat Kondura April 6, 2022

SourceTree is not user friendly, it shows  same app password error message even after authentication passes, we need to clean all existing source tree passwords from the machine and need to delete all the data from LocalAppData/Atlassian/SourceTree

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April 8, 2022

daniel_schielzeth's solution worked for me.

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richard riccio
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April 11, 2022

This issue is annoying  and  I am trying to find the solution as to why command line git bash works ok to Bitbucket and yet SourceTree complains about password authentication not being support by Atlassian/bitbucket etc despite git bash working.

I am disappointed  that Atlassian/BitBucket /SourceTree whoever is responsible for my problem isnot able to post a simple direct solution to address the issue with Sourcetree & Bitbucket, perhaps they should've put some proper planning in place prior to making these changes.  Now I need to spend hours  working out a proper solution. 

John Bates April 11, 2022

@richard riccio Perhaps you cloned using the command line and that uses ssh? 

If so maybe then you need to tell source tree to use SSH and not HTTPS.

Type "git remote -v" on the command line when your in the local working copy.

If the remotes listed use git@ it's ssh, if https: well ...  Hope that helps.

m1-scott April 12, 2022 edited

On another machine I get prompted about once a week with a login dialog to enter my password. Of course the trick being it's not really your account password that it's prompting for, it's your app password which you can't access again without generating a new one. For the love of God are they ever going to fix this POS software, so sick of this shit!

Ana Alcaraz
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April 19, 2022

I tried everything else and found helpless but this indeed worked for me "To update your credentials, go to Control Panel -> Credential Manager -> Generic Credentials. Find the credentials related to your git account and edit them to use the updated passwords".

Above Solution found in this link:

GJacobs April 20, 2022

I have tried deleting the password file and creating an app password.  Neither worked.  I don't see Generic Credentials under credential manager.  OAuth is not an option for me.  Followed instructions in Edit Hosting Account using Basic Authentication, used generated password that did not work.

Have been locked out of Source Control for several days.  Unclear if there will ever be a solution.  Any other ideas.

Please Help

Amer Stovrag
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April 21, 2022

Step with removing passwd file worked for me.
- Remove passwd file
- pull in Sourcetree
- when prompted for password, enter app password (created earlier here

Vladimir Ivanov
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April 24, 2022

Thank you. Removing the password file helped me.

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Juan Esteban Jaramillo Monsalve
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May 3, 2022 edited

This was somewhat complicated and time-consuming. I wonder if you can simplify this process? How can you prevent this from happening? I'm somewhat disappointed, and felt frustrated.

GJacobs May 4, 2022

I had to give up on Sourcetree and start using git command line exclusively.  Cost me a week of time.  I know some engineers still use Sourcetree here but letting folks know that Sourcetree could leave them stuck without source control like it did to me.

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May 5, 2022

to set this up is such a horrible pain. I want to add SSH, says someone already addyed that ssh key. WTF. I want to go oauth, login, get fucked off that this kind of login is no more supported. Tried every single variant, deleted passw file several times ... lost hours of lifetime trying to make this stupid software works. Sorry, leaving to github

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May 14, 2022

The step that finally fixed it for me was deleting the password file in a Windows Explorer window and then pasting in the app password into the prompt the next time I tried to pull.

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May 20, 2022 edited

using windows 10

followed instructions on

Removed old version of source tree

downloaded/installed latest version of source tree

created a local git repository, set up source tree/bitbucket authentication to basic using app password that created on bitbucket account (username does not have email in it)- authentication said OK

moved files into the local repository, staged and committed them- no problem.

then i deleted the pw file in source tree

try to push and still not recognizing app pw


What now???


ps. just migrated to github desktop- problem solved


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