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Como incluir linhas no checklist do Trello?

Renata Guglielmi Arouca Housska June 23, 2023

Quando estou cadastrando um texto no checklist, não consigo incluir linhas no mesmo item. Podem me ajudar a resolver?

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Oliver S
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
June 25, 2023 edited

Hi Renata, welcome to the community! :)

At present, the ability to add linebreaks in checklist items is not available in Trello. There is an open feature request for this, and I've gone ahead and added this thread to the request. While there is no ETA, I'll pass your interest in this onto our team for consideration! :)

If there is enough text in the checklist item - e.g. if you paste something in that's longer than one line - it should convert to a 2nd line. I realise this is not ideal, but you might be able to use some additional characters to fill the space as a workaround. Hope this helps! :)

Renata Guglielmi Arouca Housska July 18, 2023

Muito obrigada pelo seu retorno Oliver!

Espero que vocês consigam disponibilizar isto aqui no Trello, pois poder incluir linhas no texto do cheklist, ajudaria muito!

Caso resolvam isto, por favor, me avise!



Renata Guglielmi Arouca Housska February 28, 2024

Oliver S., ou algum outro membro da equipe da Atlassiana,

Bom dia!

Vocês sabem me dizer se já conseguiram resolver o problema de "inclusão de linhas no texto do checklist"? Este recurso ajudaria demais!!!

Vocês podem me dar um retorno a respeito, por gentileza? Ainda estou precisando deste recurso...muitas outras pessoas que usam o Trello, também me dizem que seria essencial para elas.

Muito obrigada,


Oliver S
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
February 28, 2024

Hi Renata,

Unfortunately don't have any updates to share. The feature request is still open for consideration by the product team. That said, I don't have an ETA or any indication of whether it will be something that's added.

Appreciate the importance this has to your workflow. Wish I could provide more positive news, but hope the update helps nonetheless.

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