Hi community 👋 We’ve added a new Issue custom fields table that will simplify how you query your Jira custom fields in Atlassian Analytics. With this new table, all of your custom field...
Looking for help or suggestions on how to get story points Sumed up by status within a two week time box.
Is there a way to query the link type (e.g., "causes") of linked issues? I am able to return linked issues using the method in this post: https://confluence.atlassian.com/analyticskb/query-...
I have a control which contains one of the following 3 values: 1. Q Research 2. T Research 3. B Research I have a 2nd query which will use a value based on the above to search the Status from t...
Hi all, Thank you to everyone who had time to join our office hour session last week. In case you missed it, here is a quick summary of a few questions asked during the session. We love getting to ...
I want my Atlassian Analytics charts to filter by PI. Example: if there are 6 sprints in the 2024 PI #1, I would like to see my data grouped by that PI. I'm thinking I need to somehow add a new table...
Hi Atlassian Community, We've added a way to export and import dashboards to enhance your dashboard management experience. With this new capability, you'll be able to easily transfer dashboards acr...
1) Is it possible to pull charts from Atlassian Analytics into a Confluence page without having to do a cut and paste each time? Similar to how you can have Dashboards in Confluence that are au...
We're thrilled to announce a new feature now available in Atlassian Administration - IP allowlisting for Atlassian Analytics. This feature empowers admins to enhance the security of their Analytics d...
Provide an overview of the different types of datasets used in data analysis (structured, unstructur
Hey everyone! We’re introducing a new Atlassian Intelligence (AI) feature that generates custom formulas based on your prompt. Custom formulas use SQLite syntax and allow you to perform basic calcu...
We are hoping we can get a report of who has successfully completed the training as we are making it required. We just need a list of IDs that have completed each course, and we can use @Ford.c...
Hi Everyone, I am new to Atlassian Analytics. Trying to start with small reports but having issue right off the bat. I am trying to extract the following for a given project/team: Issue ...
I'm trying to run the following query and getting an error. I'm new to Analytics but experienced in SQL SELECT TOP 1000 [Risk].[Date Created], DATEDIFF([Risk].[Date Created], {TODAY}, "Day"...
Hi everyone, We are holding another round of Atlassian Analytics office hour sessions on September 24 (AMER/EMEA) / September 25 (APAC)! These are open-ended sessions that anyone can join to ask ...
Hi, community! Several weeks ago, we shared that we were working on two new tables. We’re happy to announce that they're now available! Issue group mapping is now available in Atlass...
In Atlassian Analytics I'm trying to create a stacked bar graph which shows a set of values as a proportion of the total for the bar. I've actually managed to create this view by adjusting some of t...
Background: We sync our Jira Cloud instance with Jira Align. Sprint sync is the bane of my existence! Scenario: Multiple Jira Sprints are Mapped to single Jira Align Team Sprint. I am trying ...
In Atlassian Analytics, I would like to be able to change the colour of the background of the headings of a table. I know you can go into Formatting and performing a conditional format of the d...
I manage most of the data in our business's main service desk. Due to the nature of our business, energy, there are a lot of different bits of information required to ascertain whether an issue is te...
Hello, I have a board with the following collumns TO DO | IN PROGRESS | TO TEST | IN TEST | COMPLETED Over this process, a worker gets assigned to the issue when it goes in progress, however ...
Hello, I was calculating a trhoughput ratio, that basically i want to calculate on a weekly basis the total of tickets delivered by the number of developers of a squad. So if the number of tickets de...
Hi, My scenario is - I've got a custom field, Change Strategy, I have another multi-select custom field for Business Area. I have a chart in Analytics at the moment which gives me a bar char...
Hi Team Please advise whether we can create a temporary or staging table to avoid parallel execution on same set of tables for multiple charts. Problem Statement: In my dashboard i have ...
I have created a chart to show a count of specific components for all teams (that have those components) in a specific date range by month. It seems my query is giving all the issues for...