Hi everyone, In case you missed it, we held another round of office hour sessions last week. Thanks to everyone who came and asked questions . We hope that you learn new tips and kno...
I use the filter to take created issue using date range including project and component. but isn't working.
Hello, where can I get the Schemas for Atlassian Analytics so that I can write some reports?
Hi community, The “Group picker (single group)” and “Group picker (multiple groups)” fields from the Jira “Issue field” table now stores group IDs, instead of names. This change applies to...
Hi, I've recently been using AA linked with a google sheet as well as Jira Software. It's been working fine until this morning when I synced it. It's started telling me my columns no longer ex...
Hi, community! A new set of Confluence dashboard and chart templates are now available! These templates use data from our recently launched Confluence tables to help reveal information abo...
I used the Atlassian AI to write a query, then copied that query code into a new chart. Then I tried to add a control but it won't connect to the chart and I don't know enough SQL to add a control in...
I have an Analytics Dashboard, and I'm having trouble adding and working with the Jira [Reporter] field. I need to include [Reporter] Name in all my listings of Jira tickets and graphs and also use i...
Hi everyone, We're happy to announce that you can now find data on Jira issues associated with a team! This was a highly requested data point and will enable you to better report on your J...
I am trying to create dashboards with saved filters in Atlassian Analytics. Currently every time I navigate out of the dashboard and back in, my filters reset. I would like dashboards with sta...
Hello, I want to collect data from a specific period , which is the Q4 from last year and compare it with the data from this year. I will do this using status history but cannot find a way of doing&...
Hi everyone, We are holding another round of Atlassian Analytics office hour sessions on August 7 (AMER/EMEA) / August 8 (APAC)! These are open-ended sessions that anyone can join to ask...
Can I create 2 sets of controls for 2 sets of charts in the same Dashboard (same Data Source). For Example: Dashboard A using DataSource A > Control 1a, Control 1b , Con...
I have one control (dropdown) called "PROJECT" where I choose jira project and then one chart where I list all issues of selected project. Fore some reasons, in custom column of the chart ta...
I'm trying to create a widget that will provide me with one of the DORA measures: Time to Restore. The way I'm thinking to approach it is: - Find all the sev1 in my JSM project - Make sure it's ...
Hi, community! The last few months have been busy, and we’ve had a number of exciting releases. Read on to learn more, and see what’s coming. ✨ Recently shipped Data shares At T...
I have one control (dropdown) called "PROJECT" where I choose jira project and then one chart where I list all issues of selected project. Fore some reasons, in custom column I want to insert 0s if ...
When connecting to databricks lakehouse to access datasets, seems to be only allowed to select hive catalogues - does Atlassian analytics support unity catalogues.. If not, is there any work sched...
Hi guys,I wanna know the meaningful of these options,and what is the diffence between workspace cache duration and check cache every?And I wanna know that when we change data what is the time for the...
Hi community, We want to give you advance notice that we’re going to roll out major backend changes to the Jira tables in the Atlassian Data Lake. These changes will enable us to bring eve...
Hi How to open a Drilldown chart in a new tab /window instead of redirecting in the same tab, we are losing the original chart and it is time consuming to reload / go back to...
Hello, I started to use Jira Analytics and configuring my dashboard with different types of charts. The values of the charts are taking too much to show up. Those appear after 10 minutes when i acc...
Hi community, More Confluence data has come into Atlassian Analytics! New tables for Confluence attachments, whiteboards, databases and space permission are now available. On top of this, we’ve a...
Im making a line and bar chart, but i am seeing that bar chart uses the scale on the left and the line has its own scale on the right, which is confusing. Id like to have them both use the same scale...
Hi we have same fix version in multiple projects, how to get a burn down chart of the progress using Atlassian analytics, there is a custom chart for sprint burndown but nothing for Re...