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New features for next-gen projects in Jira Software Cloud: Releases and Versions

Hi Atlassian Community

I work on the Jira Software product team and I am happy to share that we have just added support for releases and versions in next-gen projects for Jira Software Cloud. You can now use the fix version field in next-gen to assign issues to versions and track the completion status of a new version on the new releases hub.

The Release hub in next-gen is a newly built experience and we are adding additional capabilities to it over the next months, coming in 2020, we will add CI/CD information into the release hub. So stay tuned for additional updates.

Release hub in next-gen projects

Releases (8).png

Versions in Jira Software are used by teams to track points-in-time for a project. They can be used to schedule how features are rolled out to your customers, or as a way to organize work that has been completed for the project. The Release Hub is useful for tracking the progress towards the release of your version, for seeing the status of a version and for planning out future versions.

Releases in next-gen project settings

Features toggle.png

The release and version functionality can be enabled via the features page under the project settings. When you enable releases, the Fix versions field will be added to all issue types in your next-gen project and Releases will appear in the project navigation.

Assign an issue to a particular version

Bento Version inline dialog.png

You can assign issues in next-gen projects to a specific version to create new versions, you no longer have to do that from the release hub, this can now be done within context, right from the Jira issue view.

Create version modal (3).png

We hope these improvements will give your team better understanding of progress towards product milestones and save you time when reporting progress to stakeholders. Please let me know if you have any feedback or question on this feature.



Jack Brickey
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November 26, 2019

Glad to see this much awaited feature. NG is approaching serious consideration for me.

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November 26, 2019

Great to see Release Hub!!!

Jurgen Brouwer
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November 26, 2019

So good to see this feature, we missed it!

Lukáš Pikora
November 27, 2019

Great job! But issues in done column should be removed from board after release. It can reduce clutter from board and make work with Jira more systematic.

I really don't understand that automatic removing after 14 days. I think it's pretty bad design decision and it removing control from user. It  hais makingrd to find automaticaly removed issues (yes, ho have to add that "where are my missing issues" link because nobody understand that). And it produce clutter because it's not possible to remove issue from board manually - which leads to performance degradation of board with a lot of issues.

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Maziar Zamani
November 27, 2019

Yay! Been looking forward to this!

Henry Cho November 27, 2019

Oh thank goodness!

Alex Liegel
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November 27, 2019

Hooray! So happy to have this feature on the NG projects.

Adam Lopez November 27, 2019

Does this allow two sprints at the same time?

November 27, 2019

So exciting! :D Looking forward to using this feature once we're able to switch over to next-gen projects.

Are there plans in the future to be able to mass add issues to releases from the backlog? This is a feature available in the current scrum project set-up that's extremely helpful.

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November 27, 2019

Will this feature allow the Same Fixversion/Release to be used across multiple Nextgen boards? 

NextGenBoard1    - Fixversion = 5.0

NextGenBoard2    - Fixversion = 5.0


When I query for fixversion= 5.0  I would expect both NextGen project tickets to be represented with that fix version. Will it work like that?

Daniel Gordon
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November 27, 2019

Really helpful feature

Steph Sjostrom November 27, 2019

Releases is misspelled in your first screenshot (Releases.png).

Damon Miller
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November 27, 2019

Awesome addition to Next Gen!  We just moved a project to Next Gen yesterday and versions was one of the things we were really missing - great timing for us!

ivan torres
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November 27, 2019

Will JIRA be compliant with Federal Standards (IRS 1075, NIST 800-53..) ?

Alexis Muller
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November 27, 2019

Great job indeed!

However, I totally agree with Lukáš: It should remove released issues from the board.

Jack Brickey
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November 27, 2019

re: @Steph Sjostrom comment... love it! reminds me of Christmas Vacation "The little lights are not twinkling."

Patrick Nelson
November 27, 2019

psst... it might not be too late since the images are remotely referenced, but there's a big typo there front and center (the email didn't stand out to me if it weren't for that, why I'm here):

From newsletter:

At the top of this article:


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November 27, 2019

This is good news! It would be awesome too to have a way to generate an automatic suggestion of changelog based on the issues that are related to the release

Nazim Ragimov November 27, 2019

a. it's odd that if I go to the release, I can only go back by clicking on the back arrow of the browser; the side menu doesn't have that option (it takes me to the dashboard - weird).

b. In the board or backlog I can sort tasks by epic, type, label, but not by releases. why? 

Guys, you could have done better

Catherine Armstrong
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November 27, 2019

The timing of this couldn't be better. My team was just looking at how to provide more transparency on releases in response to some stakeholder feedback.

I would like to see more/easier ways to get tickets into a version. Adding the version to each individual ticket is quite tedious. I also like the idea of being able to filter/add tickets to a version from the backlog.

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Nazim Ragimov November 27, 2019

I completely agree with @Catherine Armstrong about other easier options to add tasks to a release. You should be able to do that by clicking on the 'more' (...) on the task, the same way as you assign a task to a parent or label

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Viktor Sidochenko
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November 27, 2019

Please fix the onClose behavior on Mac. It shouldn't completely close on it, just sent to the background to receive notifications.

Sergey Tereshenkov
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November 27, 2019

Field name  is Fix versions but in JQL it is fixVersion.
And why it is just Fix versions, I would also expect Affect versions as selection from the same list of releases.

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Marek Krasnowski
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November 27, 2019

Can we show version tag on cards in Board or filter by a specific version?

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Fernanda Moreno
November 27, 2019

Finally!! Whenever we can have more than workflow, we will def move. 


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