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Cannot attach images, logging in causes a "malformed request"

Zac_Delventhal April 15, 2020 edited

This started yesterday when I was trying to upload some images to a Jira issue. Initially the images upload fine, but when I click on "Insert", the attachment fails with the following error:

Screen Shot 2020-04-15 at 9.24.24 AM.png

We couldn't save your attachment

Reload the issue then try adding it again.


After attempting to reload the page, clear the cache, etc. I figured I would try logging out and logging back in. This made things worse. After putting in my password and clicking sign in, I get the following message:
Screen Shot 2020-04-13 at 12.29.45 PM.png

Oops, you've made a malformed request.

Often clearing your browsers [sic] cache and restarting your browser will solve this problem. If that doesn't work, please contact support.


This becomes a big problem. I am now totally locked out of Jira. Reloading, clearing caches, etc, do not fix the issue. I even try logging in from a separate machine. No dice. Same error message.

Eventually I manage to find a workaround. I put in the wrong password. This pulls up a link to the password reset form. I follow that workflow, reset my password, and I'm logged in!

And then I try to login to my primary machine with the new password. Same error. I reset my password again, and I'm logged in on both machines.

Today, I tried to attach those images again.

Screen Shot 2020-04-15 at 9.24.24 AM.png


I assume the two issues are related. I have no idea why. But I really need a fix here. I have to be able to upload design screenshots for my team or Jira is not much good to me. Hopefully my detailed accounting of the last day and half triggers some insights for someone here.

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Owen Wallis
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
April 21, 2020

Hi Zac,

I'm the Product Manager in the Media team at Atlassian. I look after the attachments and images experience across Jira and Confluence.

The feedback you gave me here helped me push for a fix with the Jira team. As of 10pm Sydney time last night we put up an initial fix for the upload issues you've been seeing. I checked the analytics again this morning and it appears to have resolved many of the issues.

We do have another fix that the Jira team are helping us on which we think should resolve the final set of upload issues we are aware of. These relate to when you leave a browser window open for a long period of time, come back and try to upload, but then see the upload fail. We added in a similar fix for Confluence recently which greatly reduced upload issues so I'm hoping we'll have the same success in Jira. A fix for this should be coming in the next couple weeks. In the short term refreshing a page which has been open a long time before uploading is the workaround.

Again my apologies for the frustrations around uploading. Specifically in the last couple weeks things have got really bad. I'm sorry it took so long for us to identify this.

If you'd like to talk to me on the above, or on any other issues related to attachments or Media then please feel free to find a time with me:



Zac_Delventhal May 27, 2020 edited

Thanks for responding Owen. I appreciate the effort you and the team put in.

Unfortunately, neither the login issue, nor the image attachment issue appears to be resolved. I have not had an opportunity to put time into vetting the process again until today, but it remains broken in much the same way.


The process went like this:

  1. Attempted to attach an image. Received a "We couldn't upload your attachment" error on Insert.
  2. Hard reloaded, cleared cache, logged out, closed all JIRA windows, quit browser, and finally reset my machine.
  3. Attempted to log in, got "Oops, you've made a malformed request error".
  4. Went through password reset workflow as a work around in order to log in.
  5. Attempted to attach an image. This succeeded, and I was able to attach a single image to a single issue.
  6. Attempted to attach a second image to a second issue. Received a "We couldn't upload your attachment" error on Insert.
  7. Attempts to reload the page and clear cache did not resolve the issue.


Perhaps the bug fix that went in is what allowed the first image attachment to go through, but it seems like the issue largely remains. And since the machine was restarted immediately prior to attempting to attach the second image, I don't think it has anything to do with leaving a browser window open for a long period.

Zac_Delventhal May 27, 2020 edited

Upon further investigation, it appears that the current attachment issue is caused by the filename. The second image was named "Onboarding-4-Signup/Login.jpg". After renaming it "Onboarding-4-Signup-Login.jpg", I was able to insert it into a story without an error.

So is a forward-slash not a valid character for in the names of Jia attachments? If so, I feel like that should be better documented, hopefully with a more informative error message. No matter how many times I reload the page, I am never going to be able to attach an image with an invalid character in its name.

Owen Wallis
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
May 27, 2020 edited

Hi @Zac_Delventhal,

Thanks so much for looking into this, but apologies you had to!

Edit: I brought up the issue of the forward slashes in filenames with my Media team and Jira. Looks like this issue is being monitored here and also here

I've added a note for Jira to say this looks to be affecting uploads also.

I've asked my Media team to also see if we can help with this. I don't have an ETA on a fix though sorry.



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