How do I find via JQL all items that match "caused by" by tickets in certain project

Marat Kiniabulatov November 25, 2021


We have bugs. Some of bugs are caused by releases.

We link such bugs via the "Caused By" type link to the Release Tickets.

I need to aggregate JQL for all tickets that are bugs and caused by Release tickets.

JQL should look more or less like this:


issuetype = bug and (linkedByIssueProject = RLS AND issueLinkType = "is caused by")

But when i do this I get tickets that have RLS projects in linked tickets, but via other link. 

While I need both conditions (that ticket is linked via caused by to RLS ticket) to be there.


What and how do i do this? 

1 answer

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Daniel Turczanski - __JQL Search Extensions
Atlassian Partner
November 26, 2021

Hi @Marat Kiniabulatov,

With standard JQL, you can only get a list of issues with links and export them to Excel for further processing. This works if you want to do a one-off analysis.

I can see that you are already using our app:

You can go to the Extended Search screen and run this query:

issuetype=Bug AND issue in linkedIssuesOfQuery("project=RLS", "is caused by")

Check out the documentation to see more examples. Keep in mind that you can save the query as a filter and use it everywhere in Jira. Feel free to reach out to our support if you have more questions.

I hope this helps!

Marat Kiniabulatov November 29, 2021

Hey Daniel, I'm using JQL Search Extensions.


However, I still face situation. Say I've got 2 projects:

ProjectA (PA)

Release (RLS)


After RLS-100 ticket, I raised a bug (PA-100) caused by the release.

I link this bug PA-100 to RLS-100 via Caused By link. 

However, when I do the query of 

issuetype=Bug AND issue in linkedIssuesOfQuery("project=RLS", "is caused by")

I get, not only PA-100, but say, PA-101


  • it's a Bug,
  • it's linked (with any link) with RLS
  • it's linked to something else (not RLS) with caused by link.


So m question is how do i refine the query further, to include only items that are "linked to RLS via caused by", and not have those two cases treated as separate conditions?

Daniel Turczanski - __JQL Search Extensions
Atlassian Partner
November 29, 2021

Hey @Marat Kiniabulatov 

In this scenario, you shouldn't get PA-101 in the result.

You query:

issue in linkedIssuesOfQuery("project=RLS", "is caused by")

should only match issues that are link to RLS with the specified link type.

Can you create a support ticket so that we can troubleshoot your query?

Make sure to provide your Jira address and examples of issues keys that show up in the results but shouldn't.


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