is there any way in tempo reports or export, to summarize hours spend on story's belonging to an epic and thereby the epic "holds" the total number of hours?
Hey everyone,
This feature is now available on Tempo for Jira Cloud. Please let us know what you think.
Interesting feature, is it planned to have this feature also for Jira server ?
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Hi Hichmen,
Yes, we are rolling out many enhancements to the reports on cloud and gathering feedback on them before releasing on server.
Have a great weekend,
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Fantastic news, will be huge benefit to our reporting, dare I ask how long Server features normally lag the Cloud product, are we talking weeks or months??
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@Vidar Svansson , any update on this?
When will this feature be available on Jira Server?
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Hi everyone, we are working on a Jira Server implementation of the feature and hopefully we will have ready for the October release of Tempo Timesheets 10.
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are there any news regarding this? Is this feature already implemented? If yes, please tell me how to activate it. If no, when will it be available in JIRA server?
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Hi, the feature is available on cloud and server. Here you can see docs for Server: https://tempo-io.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/THC/pages/293865458/Creating+and+Accessing+Saved+Reports+-+Tempo+Server
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Oh yes i'm quite aware of that possibility, but it's realy not an option. So i'm looking forward for youre soloution
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No problem. Care to tell me why it is not an option? It would be great to get the feedback.
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Still no update from Tempo on this. It really does seem fairly fundamental so I don't understand why they keep ignoring it.
We had a UX update today but its all fairly pointless when you can't get a list of EPICs with the time that has been logged against them
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I have been using Pivot Report to plug this obvious feature gap. Yes, not the same as you can't see the time logged for Epic within given time frame, but is something.
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Correction, you can actually get the summary of time spent on Epic now per time slice!
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That looks promising. A quick question. Does it pull out the Tempo hours logged?
What we need is something like the below.
We then need to be able to filter on particular months (i.e. the below would be for Dec)
Epic Name Hours Logged
Epic 1 10.3
Epic 2 50.7
Epic 7 02.4
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Since Tempo uses same Jira worklogs and extends them with custom meta data, it does pull out hours from Tempo. If it won't work, please let me know, and we'll do our best to fix it.
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Hi, I'm new to Jira and Tempo, so forgive me it this function now exists as I appreciate that this request is quite dated now. Like Bjarne has outlined above-
we too also use Epics as placeholders for tasks/story's belonging to specific stakeholders. It would be great if tempo had some sort report or export option, that would summarize hours spent on stories belonging to an Epic?
I realise that this question was posted some time ago now.. You mentioned that the team were adding a lot of more reporting functionality in this area in upcoming versions. Does this functionality now exist? Thanks
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@Sebastian Ovide but only one epic at a time? when you have more than ten then we need 10 custom reports? Am I right? It would not be grouped by epics but only show the list of task in specific epic or list of epics?
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@Sebastian Ovide so I can only see the number of hours for one epic in a time? Is there any chance to see the list of epics and summarized hours for each of them? I have 10+ epics and what I can only do to summarize them into excel :(
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Is there any update on this feature? This has become fundamental to our business so I just need to know if there is even a time frame or if its on a product roadmap.
We (and a number of other people) have requested this multiple times. If it isn't possible, please let us know and we can look at alternatives.
The end result we are after is below.
Epic Name Hours Logged
Epic 1 10.3
Epic 2 50.7
Epic 7 02.4
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Hello Paul,
You can try Pivot Report for that: https://marketplace.atlassian.com/apps/1215414/
I understand it's another app you need to pay for, but it least it does the job you need.
If something in Pivot is not working as it should, please let me know. We try to fix everything ASAP.
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Thank you Dmitry,
I have installed the pivot report and it almost gets me there but it still won't give me a full list of rolled up epics.
I can get one epic by using JQL request and referring to that epic ID but how would i get all EPICS? (i have logged a support ticket but no response as yet)
It needs to end up something like the below
Epic Name Hours Logged
Epic 1 10.3
Epic 2 50.7
Epic 7 02.4
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Hello Paul,
Have you tried to get more than one epic per search? E.g. somewhat like "project = ProjectName and issuetype = epic"? If you use these results for the report, you'll have multiply Epics in it. Here's an example:
The view you need is on the Pivot tab. I've used Epic Link to group time spent.
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I can get a report like this to show time spent on each ticket under my epic grouping. Is it possible to summarise all the time spent for all tickets on an epic and display it against the epic?
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Don't worry found it "E Time Spent"
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Hi Paul,
Yes we are planning this now. Are you on cloud or server?
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As far as I can tell this does not work.
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Can you post more about what doesn't work for you? Maybe a new post since this one is old...
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I created stories, with epic parents, then team members logged time.
I filter by epic - no time appears.
I group by epic - no time appears.
I have to use JIRA search advanced queries.
As far as I can tell, it is not possible to get logged time by epic in a tempo report.
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Server (which version) or Cloud? Classic or Next gen projects? Next gen projects have a workaround: https://tempo-io.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/KB/pages/459866620/Grouping+by+Epic+for+Next+Gen+projects
For better troubleshooting, you can open a ticket with Tempo Support: https://tempo-io.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/6
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Thanks for the pointers - I am using cloud, next gen project, and have resorted to JQL and am using parent = Epic-123
What I take from your comment is that it does not work for JIRA cloud for next gen projects, correct?
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Looks like you are already using the workaround then
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Exactly! Which is why I said this does not work - I have to use a workaround.
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just add sub-task instead of Epic
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This maybe old news by now, but I've been able to add the field "Epic Link" to the tickets, and with that select the epic I want to associate the ticket to. Then I can view the epic in tempo and all the associated tickets will show up.
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Hi Ben - thanks for this post.
We use Epic links extensively in our JIRA issues, and it does look like I can include individual epics as a filter in a Tempo custom report. However, I don't see a way to group by Epic. So, if I included multiple Epics in the filter, for instance, that rolled up time just shows up under the user or project or whatever I have in the groupings and I couldn't tell what Epic that time actually belonged to.
So, when you say you can view the Epic in Tempo, how do you do that?
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Doesn't appear to be a way to group by Epics if you have multiple Epics filtered unfortunately.
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Thanks for the reply. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing anything, but it is great that you can at least filter by Epics in the reporting screen.
Also, as mentioned by Viðar Svansson above, looking at a basic timesheet in the Agile Timesheet does allow you to roll up time by Epic. So, that is really handy if not as flexible as the reporting module.
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Inability to group time-sheet reports by epic or by issue rolling up all the hours from child issues, make TEMPO reports useless.
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i can't seem to find the "agile timesheet". i also could not enable is in the tempo settings - i can't find it there. do you know how do you find the agile timesheet?
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today we have appox. 100 accounts and still growing, and that is a problem by itself, since we can't sort the billingkey dropdown by name instead of the number and thereby make it easy for the ones who create issues. But back to the case here, we have arround 60 epics that we would like to report statistics on a monthly basis (comes with the invoice) so togehter with the already excisting accounts it would be a mess for everyone
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So I assume you are mapping the 100 accounts always to the same projects or you define them to be global? Normally we have only a handful of accounts per project so the dropdown is usually not a problem for us. However, we are working on improving the dropdown for extreme cases.
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There is no nice way to do this at the moment. But you can create a filter that returns the Epic stories and view that filter in Tempo Timesheets.
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IS there any change this will be implemented in a future release?
we use epics as placeholders for tasks/story's belonging to specific customer, we track time to evaluate time spent, cost towards the original estiamte. And This would be more than nice if we could do that within a standard report
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Actually I am looking into solutions to this now but it is still in the design phase.
However, I hope you are aware that Tempo comes with a Account Custom Field that can be used to represent customers and has built in reports for this purpose. So you might want to have a look at that to get this report today. You can still continue to use epics and simply add the customer association to the issues.
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It will be nice if there is such a feature implemented soon. It is very inconvenient that there is no easy way to see the time spent on an Epic now, and I need to use Tempo stats per filter.
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Hi Ivaulo, you can use the Agile Timesheet filtered by epic to see total hours per epic. We are adding a lot of more reporting functionality in this area in upcoming versions.
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