With Checklist for Jira | Free, it seems that by default there is no email notification being sent whenever there's any modification to a ticket's checklist. Regardless the user roles (watcher, ...
Hello, I migrated a project to another organization but the checklists didn´t go. How to do that? Thanks
We are looking into "issue templates for Jira" and I see that it says that the list-app is free and intigrates. Are there any prereqs/limitations here that are good to know about or is this a nice fi...
Is it possible to move the checklist to the different than “General” tab?
When installing this app (Issue Checklist for Jira. Free), can I just install to one project within our Jira instance or will it be applied to all projects automatically?
I would like to create an epic and choose a custom field dropdown. Based on the field, it will generate a few stories with checklists within each story. Each checklist will be different. Since I am u...
Important note: the issue reported below is linked to an incident of the Atlassian application and not due to an error from the vendor. Please follow the incident status here. Since this morning...
Hi. We have received a request to add a checklist to an issue upon its creation. My initial thoughts were to create a multiline checklist customfield, where the items in the customfield become...
I would like to be able to make a template and make it apply to a bunch of the issues that are already created. I figured out how to make it go for new issues but as I learn what needs to be done I w...
As part of Way of Working we have added the issue checklist to our Jira stories using jira cloud last week, but since a couple days back the checklist does not load anymore and crashes.I see that you...
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