Hi everyone, I am using the "Universal Gadgets for JIRA" plugin to create dashboards where I can plugin a REST api and show results. I have configured the gadget to read a REST API ...
I want my universal gadget to appear on the wallboard.
I'm using the Wallboard gadget, which allows my dashboard to fill up a mounted screen in my office. The Wallboard gadget has always worked well for me. I've just written a Universal Gadget to r...
The predefined scripts dropdown throws an error: "Failed to retrieve predefined scripts data" Own scripts won't load either, they just show loading forever.
The "Universal gadget for JIRA" plugin seems great! I'd love to be able to use it with Atlassian Cloud!
I added Universal gadget for JIRA on my mydasboard, however this gadget doesn't work. I tested with "Predefined scripts" and with simple html text (see screenshot). In both cases it returns blank ar...
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