I have a uniqueregexcustomfield for which I configured the Regular Expression Error to a certain text. But that does not seem to reflect on the customer portal of service desk but it just says "Pleas...
We recently upgraded our JIRA system to JIRA v7.2.3. Since doing the upgrade we are seeing the following message for the Unique Regex Custom Field plug-in – "Incompatible - Update Requested". We us...
Unique Regex Custom Field overwrites the customized error message with a generic one "Please provide a valid value for field 'xxx'." How do I enforce a customized error message which is configu...
Good afternoon. Where can I see the documentation for the plugin "Unique Regex Custom Field"?
we need to add more regular expression like \w,\s etc will it be possible to add more regular expression in the unique regex custom field type. If it is possible please provide the format for adding...
How to search like '~' operator?
hello i need to configure unique regex to accept 12 numbers. if i put less then 12 numbers it should automatically add '0' before the entered numbers.
After our recent upgrade of JIRA to v6.3.10, our scripts making REST API calls to create issues are failing. Failure is due to the plugin Unique Regex Custom Field, which we have been using for somet...
I am trying to import issues into jira from a .csv file, but my unique regex custom field does not show up in the list of fields to map. The field shows up when creating issues manually, and the valu...
Can someone give a little more explained example. I need to set a custom fiedl "check" within a project and prevent a new issue to be created if that particlar field value exist. Maybe this is not t...
Love the unique regex custom field JIRA plugin but deleting a field that uses it fails for me. java.lang.NullPointerException at com.atlassian.jira.issue.customfields.persistence.OfBizCustomField...
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