Hello everyone! 😃 Following up on my colleague @Jonny Carter's blog post about how to use ScriptRunner to bulk update content contained within Confluence pages, I figured I should come ba...
At a recent ScriptRunner Champion Hour, I talked about how to respond to events in Confluence to update Jira. The path we demonstrated was to use a combination of an Event Listener in Confluence and...
Hi, has anyone figured out how to hide the sidebar of a specific space in Confluence (Server) with ScriptRunner's Script Fragments "Hide system or plugin UI element" feature? What is/are the module...
Thumbnail shows signature in page like below but shows empty signature when preview pdf . can anyone can please help me to solve this problem , Thanks in advance&...
I want to create macro that resize pdf in full size according to div size (don't want scrollbar) . To achieve this , i have added two parameter of type - 1)confluence-content(label-page) 2)attach...
Is it possible to integrate ScriptRunner's Event Listener feature with 3rd Party Plugins? There are serveral plugins that generate custom events and publish them in the Confluence event system but t...
Hi everbody, we want to display start and end date of a project on a Confluence page (while this data is all in Jira). Does anyone use it like this? We got a recommendation to build a...
UPDATE: If you're looking to update Macros in pages, give a look to our Update Macro feature and Josh's sweet post about it. One question we get fairly frequently is how to bulk update page content ...
Confluence administrators can copy page trees using a built-in script, but that script can do more than just copy the pages as-is. The blank at the end for transforming the title can actually do much...
ScriptRunner for Confluence has a built-in script for copying a tree of pages that's available for Confluence Administrators and Space Administrators, but what if you wanted to create something like ...
Hi, I'm trying to create a script that will remove space permissions of inactive users. This is what I got so far: import com.atlassian.spring.container.ContainerManager; import com.atlas...
Hi, I've created a listener in Scriptrunner for Confluence to monitor the upload of large attachments. I can get the attachment info (name, type, size) but how can I get the info on who uploaded the...
Hi, I'm trying to display the results from an SQL on an external dabase in a table using a scriptrunner macro. I've added the external DB as a resource in scriptrunner. When running a custom script ...
It's possible to display a user message from a Web Item using flag return as described in ScriptRunner documentation : https://scriptrunner.adaptavist.com/latest/confluence/fragments/WebItem.html It...
I have set up an ISSUE COMMENT DELETED event in scriptrunner listener. Every time when a user deletes the comment I have to update the backend system to delete the same comment. Is there any way in ...
I have one customfield which I want to set read only in one of the workflow step. I am using scriptrunner behaviour for that. But every time when I click on edit button when I an in IMPLEME...
Is there a way to distinguish between IssueCommented, Issue Comment edited and Issue Comment deleted in scriptrunner. Please find the attached image, I am exactly trying to do the same thi...
Hello, I need to delete all references to a macro (in this case: tracking-info) on all pages. Is it possible with scriptrunner to run this job that would be based on a cql and delete all occurences...
Hi Team, We are having a button (scripted macro) on a confluence page. On click, it should send mail to a confluence group. Kindly let me know if this is achievable or any other better alternative....
I would like to know if it is possible to use ScriptRunner to hide the 'Markup' menu item in the Insert menu in the Rich Text Editor of Confluence. (see screenshot). Since some plugin vendors are no...
Hey, I'm trying to send an email to some user with ScriptRunner plugin. This is my code: import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64; import static io.github.openunirest.http.Unirest.post ...
Hey, Does anybody have an example of DELETE (custom) rest endpoint for Confluence? (using ScriptRunner plag in) Thanks
Hey, Is there a commend for reindex in confluence like JIRA? boolean wasIndexing = ImportUtils.isIndexIssues(); ImportUtils.setIndexIssues(true) MutableIssue myIssue = issueManager...
Hi together, I would need help with a custom script. The main goal is, that a moved page gets the same restrictions as the new parent page... I already know that a custom script has to...
I'm trying to call a Confluence REST API endpoint from a Scriptrunner script in Confluence. I saw this example: https://scriptrunner.adaptavist.com/latest/jira/behaviours-conversions.html#_walkthrou...
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