Hello, Would it be possible to configure the Confluence Cloud for Microsoft Teams (https://support.atlassian.com/confluence-cloud/docs/use-microsoft-teams-and-confluence-together/) with a hoste...
Does Atlassian plans to natively offer chatbot on confluence any time soon.
Atlassian phase out Data Center and only offer cloud solutions? Got an email stating that Data Center certifications will expire and that it will no longer be possible to get certified. What about t...
Hello, I am using confiforms to create form entries that have images in some of the fields. The issue is that the form autoformats these images to 100px X 100px, which isn't an issue when previewing...
The homepage name was changed and even after changing it back to the original name, the Overview page is inaccessible. It just spins and eventually times out. Has anyone else seen this before?
Has there been a change to Confluence Data Centre preventing Tables to be Fixed width Table sizeable. I have noticed that suddenly tables are only functioning in responsive mode. When I asked ...
Trying to install a newer version of the Confluence Cloud Migration Assistant on an old Data Centre instance with a view to moving to the cloud. Due to no web access on this instance I've insta...
I use embedded registration control to create and list view edit control to update data in confiForms. Since the form adresses to a wide range of users and the topic is somewhat complex we want to p...
The space was migrated. The users there were not moved because a unit was integrated into our space, and the naming conventions did not match. The migration itself went well. However, the migrated o...
We're in the process of revamping all of our Confluence Email templates to skip preview of the information sent to email boxes to prevent potential sensitive information from going into inboxes. ...
Hi, Lets say you have a form with field1 and field2, and you have a createEntry onModified IFTTT rule for setting field2 based on field1 changes. Is it possible to make a tableview with inline edit...
I’m the owner of the confluence space but i can’t see the edit button in the confluence home page but the owner can. Since I’m the owner and have all the access. I don’t understand why this happened
Hi, I have a template with jira issue/filter macro inside. What I would like to do is for users to create pages using this template where the jira project key in the macro could be automatically cha...
In the logs, the `StuckThreadDetectionValve` was triggered, all related to the action of replicating the page. It is highly likely that this caused the issue, but it's unclear why the page replicatio...
For a while we had a the tempo structure.pages plugin working and communicating between Jira and Confluence. All of the connections are up to spec per: https://help.tempo.io/pages-dc/lat...
I'm new to the Confluence API after I have conquered the JIRA API and I'm stuck. Hoping there is a kind soul out there that will help me through this. I need to get the list of attachments from a p...
Hi, I am trying to put background color in my dropdown texts but could not figure out how to set it up in the macro. I tried pasting a css text in the macro but it does not work. ...
Hello! I am auditing content in Confluence (Data Center 8.5.6) and wondering how to create a report with the following: - Site space - Page name - Page link - Page author - Last updated by user ...
Hi, I created a ConfiForm to pull some fields from Jira into a TableView in Confluence. I am then using the following configuration in the Field Name of ConfiForms Field macros: nameoffield.f...
Our application is the IP critical. Our Internal security team wants to track who all downloaded or exported the files from confluence. The team wants to know the belo...
I upgraded the confluence data center 9.2.0 in testing environment I did successfully but some spaces show the error in the attachment. Please suggestions.
Is it possible to send emails when certain fields are changed to a field that accepts users? So if I have 3 fields out of 10 that I want to notify a list of users when they are changed, can ...
Hello, English is not my native language, so I apologize if there are any mistakes. After a record, I would like to add a value in another form based on a formula. This formula is in three parts. ...
I am following the documentation in the listed link in order to try to set up Confluence to use a secret stored in Hashicorp Vault to make the connection to the DB (instead of storing it in clear tex...
Hello everyone, I have updated from version 8.5.18 to 9.2.1 and now the navigation is different and the color of the home page is different, has anything been adjusted or is this an error whe...
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