Hi everyone! We are currently using Idalko's grid plugin, with a couple of questions: Question 1: The requirement is to return individual cell values, we were hoping either via rich filter dashboa...
Cannot get project jira values placeholders {project:key} in query formula col.xyz.formula=queries:value('jira',"SELECT column FROM table WHERE col1 ='"+{col1val}+"' AND col2='"+{c...
DATA grid editor field doesnot export the field values while export
We are using Table Grid Editor plugin to create a table in JIRA. We have a requirement to return the number of rows in a Scripted field. Can someone help me to write a script to return number of row...
I'll already created and customized my grid, but i can't load it into helpdesk customer portal plugin.
TGE allows you to update rows in the grid with REST and passing a json as described in this link: https://docs.idalko.com/tgng/display/TGED/REST+API+For+Table+Grid+Editor#RESTAPIForTableGridEdit...
Hi, I am trying to use a scripted field to extract information from a Table Grid Field, following this tutorial from the editor iDalko: Using scripted fields to extract information from t...
Error rendering 'multiCascadeCFType'. Please contact your Jira administrators.
hello there, actually iam facing an issue with the Idalko table Grid Editor, the separator of the decimal and tousands numbers wont change even if i use english language either as a Jira default o...
We have a scoring process with 5 categories. Scores range from 0-5. I have setup a custom field grid to capture this information in our JIRA tickets instead of Excel (which is what was us...
Hello, Once I edit the table and save the information, I am unable to view the new values/rows in the table. Instead I receive the attached error message. Is there something wrong with my table con...
Hi, I have a table grid field and the table has 5 columns. 1st column is a drop down and remaining 4 are text columns. Based on the value selected in the drop down column i want to make th...
Hi Dears, I have created a new service request with his corresponding screen and fields. When I create the incidence by the team user or administrator the field Table Grid Editor is showin...
Hi, I have a problem with my talbe that is on create screen on a sub-task. The problem is that the table sometimes appears and sometimes not (example on screens): reopening the screen helps, ...
Hello all, since a couple of days I am "struggling" to get to following challenge accomplished! Situation: - Issue Type "A" which stores the data in a postgresql table jira_db - Issue Type "B"- wh...
I want to capture the actual start date and actual end date of statuses . Since there are large number of statuses I cannot use custom fields for this How to get the below grid automatic...
Hello Atlassian Community, i am trying to write a little script listener for wich I need to read data from a table grid custom field. On the iDalko website, there is this code snipplet to do...
Hello, One of my columns is of type list, and I use a datasource to fill the list with values. The query returns around 4800 entries. It is a list of hw parts, and each entry contains a part number ...
Hi , I am unable to extract the issues with Idalko Grid table details for more than 1000 , but the export max limit is set to 5000. But the issues are getting exported without ...
How to set a single editable or readonly column in table grid editor by role or group?
Hi, I want to disabled the option of editing,deleting,adding new rows to the table after the Grid table has been edited by the user in the create screen. For example: when the user creates an issue...
A question about table grid plugin, please.. Is it possible to put a validator or condition to allow following the workflow only if all the fields and all the columns in table grid are fille...
Hello We are interested by the Table Grid Editor plugin. We need to include in issues a list of values coming from an external applications. As the number of lines can be huge, I would like to know ...
hi i have problem with rtl language . in "driven table admin" setting create one table with below structure: # # Setup a grid to manage products # gd.columns = icode, iname, ip...
https://wiki.idalko.com/display/TGPD/col.xyz.summary here I can using summary with label. but I failed using with {fieldname} here for example table_grid_summary.png summary...
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