Hi I have an issue with Cutom worklog attributes in Tempo. I'm adding to worklog attributes. One as a checkbox and one as a static list. I'd like for them to be visible on Reports and Timesheets for ...
I'm trying out the marketplace App AIO Reports inside of Jira Service Management I've added in Affected Services field from the selector but when it pull through into the report the field is blank. ...
Hi all, They want to see all resolved/ done issues from start to the end of the month cumulate /sum up. Goal: Overview of all done issues from Project A and Project B where the issues are sum up fro...
Greetings! I am trying to create a weekly report that will display the satisfaction settings from Jira, and I don't know how to report the comment the clients make when they submit the repor...
I am currently migrating to Datacenter, when enabling AIO for testing - it ignores the Outgoing Mail (Jira disabled option) and sends these reports. Is there anyway to disable reports being sent, so...
Hello, I have a list report that tracks time in status. We are using it to record time in spent waiting to triage, so the time in status "Triage" is the time spent waiting to triage. The report work...
Hello, I have a question about the List Report. The List Report lets me apply filters and groupings to the results of a jira filter, which is great, however, the total line of the list report stil...
Hi! Currently we are using AIO reports with jira software. If we also going to use Jira Core, are the projects (time logged) in core visible in AIO reports? If so, how can this be prevented? ...
Hello, Using the "AIO Reports"in JIRA I want to create a report where all the names of the viewers per JIRA tickets are listed, preferably a line per viewer. I have used the field W...
I have created a calculated field in AIO reports. How do I make a copy of this calculated field?
I have a report that groups by History Assignee and filters on Assignee Start and Assignee End. I want the report to be able to filter on a date value, or accept Empty as a value. The filter only all...
I am using AIO Reports and I want to create a Calculated Field that Divides the (Logged Time) by the (Seconds of Business Hours in a Month) I do not know how to achieve the Seconds of Business Hours...
Hi, I want to create some calculated fields in AIO reports. I want to calculate the difference between a custom field (value in hours) and a default numeric field, for example Remaining Estimate. Th...
I have a Next-Gen project with witch I'm using a backlog. I'm trying to pull in the proper field to identify whether a task is currently on the board or in backlog. Sprint fields are not ...
Just installed AIO Reports & Timesheets and so far I think it will work well for us. Is there a way for the user to add issues to their timesheet from an active sprint quickly instead of adding e...
I just want to report to compare estimate story point and actual days in progress. I am using AIO reports. many thanks
Dont know if i am very clear in my question, that is why i added an image of existing report, how can i replicate this? for each line i can set an explicit jql query to aggregate only issues i want.
Hi, I am using All-In-One report plugin and I want to make the column appear in a specific order. Instead of alphabetically status (Abandoned, Backlog, Dev, Test) I want it to appear as (Backlog, De...
The current documentation is all wrong based on the OLD GUI. Where do you find application links so I can add the new link to email or share AIO reports?
Hello guys, We have installed the AIO Reports, at the moment all the data we get and analyse from Jira is extracted from AIO. Unfortunately our license expired on the 25th of December, we let this...
I am looking for an app that will allow me to report on the time it took for a ticket to be changed to the workflow status "Done" from the time it was submitted. Does AIO do this?
I have a filter in JIRA setup. When I run that filter in JIRA I get the expected results. When I use that filter in AIO reports, the results are not accurate. There are no assignee's listed for tick...
Can i get multiple query data in one AIO reports? for example in one column --data to be fetched from one query... in second column data needs to be fetched from another query
Trying to generate trending reports to display completed tickets each week per assignee. Currently the trending report will only show TOTAL number of completed tickets; not split per assignee. Is it...
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