We're looking to implement a filename pattern pre-hook in Bitbucket. The idea is to block files with names containing a pre-existing version number in another file. for ex. v123_file.txt (existing...
Hey, I have a script that calls an external web-service for a merge check bit I cannot get it to work as a conditional merge check // This webhook is calling a REST API with the current PR id as a ...
I am trying to restrict users from pushing to a specific Directory via "protect git refs" pre-receive hook, the script below is restricting users from pushing into "season" directory, however, it is ...
Hello Adaptavist, Atlassian, I have setup Script Event Handlers and Script Pre Hooks 'Naming standard enforcement' for bugfix and hotfix as per below in Bamboo Server Scriptrunner add-on bugfi...
Can you please help me with script of the below use-case – For a sub-story which is linked to a story. I want to calculate the sum of the values of a custom field (Technical Points) belongin...
We have a script which retrieves us the version history: import com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor import com.atlassian.jira.issue.search.SearchProvider import com.atlassian.jira.jql.par...
I wonder whether it is possibel to automatically append the JIRA issue ID to every commit message automatically? All our branch names include the issue id with the issue type name. Is there a way t...
I'm hoping someone can help me diagnose this BitBucket ScriptRunner issue. We have an event handler on pull request creation that is supposed to look at all the issues associated with the...
I want to allow a merge of a pullrequest only under a certain condition. I have written a script runner script for that: import com.atlassian.sal.api.component.ComponentLocator import com.a...
We are having an issue where one user is getting an error when trying to commit with a valid JIRA issue. The JQL we have setup is project in myProjects(). This works for all users who hav...
In the global configurations for Bitbucket I can create a protect git refs script pre hook with the syntax below without issues and it works, but when I try to create it in the repository configurati...
Is it possible to restrict who can merge to a specific branch? I would like to only allow a couple of users to be able to merge into the master branch. Is this possible?
We have configured a server side pre-receive hook to enforce a naming convention for the branch name. It works as expected when doing a push from local to server (source tree), where it doesn't allow...
We would like send an email using ScriptRunner when certain sensitive files are included in a pull request. This request is similar to the questions raised and answered in my earlier question here: h...
Does anyone know a plugin that allows teams to have more granular permissions for Bitbucket Server? We are wanting to allow teams to setup their own projects. but still enforce some project lev...
Hi Jamie Echlin We would like to require our users to enter jira issue number when they commit before they push the local repository in bitbucket. I looked at the Atlassian JAVADOC API and I fo...
I'm evaluating ScriptRunner for Stash and want to create a custom message like the example here: https://scriptrunner.adaptavist.com/stash/latest/docs/customising_ui/ except I want to disp...
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