I have cards that have links as attachments. They're mirrored to other boards. The attachments don't show up on the mirrored card, though. Is it possible to see the attachments on the mirrored cards?
Hello, I am implementing mirrored cards from my workflow boards into my TODO list board and I sort cards on the TODO board based on colored labels and then by due date of the cards. For some r...
Hi, I use Power-Ups to add an identification number to the card. When I create a mirror card, the number does not copy to the card. Is there any way/automation to get this number copied a...
I have two Trello boards for two different publications. Most of my writers are guests on one card or the other. If Guest101 created a card for PubA, can I mirror the card on PubB without m...
Hello! I am using the new mirroring card functionality: https://support.atlassian.com/trello/docs/mirroring-cards/ The card mirrors correctly to a new board, but when I filter by a specific m...
Hey, really liking the new mirror feature, it is much better than the power up placker version we used to use. The only issue is, i mirror my cards from a 'master board', to another b...
I set up an automation where a mirrored card is created to another board when a specific action occurs. However I cannot quickly navigate from the original card to the mirrored card and I was w...
In paid workspaces, can you mirror one card to multiple boards, without using a power-up?
Gostaria de receber mais informação sobre o Mirror. Quais as funcionalidades e quantos Mirror posso ter por Quadro e por utilizador. A informação disponível no site é muito escassa. A minha conta é P...
Hi everyone, I recently upgraded to Trello's Standard plan to use the mirror card feature across my boards. While this feature is great for synchronizing tasks, I’m facing an issue that I can’t s...
I was really excited about the new mirroring feature in Trello. However, I now realised, that mirrored cards are not visible in the calendar view of my boards. Is it somehow possible to add mirror...
Forgive my use of slightly incorrect lingo, but if I mirror a 'parent' card to a different board and create a 'child' card, can I write automation that will archive only the 'child' card on the s...
I am creating a performance matrix using Trello. I want to be able to have 'parent' cards on the Master Board, which when I update the description in future, I want to pull through to my tea...
Hi all, Recently tried using the new Mirror card feature to mirror a card on one board on another. We use a paid premium workspace but when I attempt to mirror the card all looks okay at first u...
When i trying to use the new "card mirror" functionality, it says that my workspace does not support this function. How can it be fixed, I did not find anything in the settings? Premium s...
I noticed card "mirror" was just added as a new Trello feature. YAY!!! However I'm realizing that it's a feature on all my cards, but not for the other members of my team. Is there a way for them t...
Hey Everyone, Looking at Trello's new Mirror function as a tracker in a larger board ... We use Placker currently as it has a when condtions are no longer met drop down ... we already have the T...
Hi I am looking for the solution how do i automate, create (free of charge, no paid plug ins) a mirrored list with cards. MY Board &n...
We've setup a Data Center 8.9.9 with several mirrors. One of the newly added mirrors has the situation that it can sync some repositories from the upstream while others get stuck and show the f...
Hello there, how can we implement mirroring from at repository hosted at our Bitbucket (Datacenter, single server) Instance to another GIT server (which is not driven by bitbucket)? Currently we u...
Hello everyone! We are planning to migrate our self-hosted confluence wiki to cloud. Who long is it possible to migrate? Is there any date? I think we will need some time to start. Maybe ...
...ultiple members are added to a single Trello card, that card is copied, mirrored and moved into all the different member lists Many thanks!
Is there a way to sync cards between two seperate users but when the card is created for the second user it has a different list of checklists and items? I.e A new project has been started and perso...
Hey guys, what's up? We are looking for a solution to mirror the cards in a bidirectional way. Previously, Trello briefly mentioned about developing the feature, but I couldn't find anything r...
I want to create an automation, so that when a linked card is moved to a "DONE" list (for example) the check box that it is listed under a different card gets marked as "checked". There only seems to...
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