Hello, I have a Trello account and I can't access my invoices through the username and password. I need to have access to invoices. It is very important that you help me s...
...like to learn keyboard shortcuts or create automatic actions in repetitive processes. Trello has opened up a whole new world for me when it comes to organizing and coordinating my team. I haven't b...
I need to amend a members surname, how do you do this?
Good morning we would like to get a premium quote for the company for annual subscription. please advise and send us the necessary documents to get started. regards Danile
hi! i create a mirror card on the same board and i want to create an automation that, when a checklist is completed then the mirror card and not the original one will move to another list. but i cant...
Can you please help me resolve why mirrored cards are not appearing in the timeline view on my board? Is there something in settings or permissions I need to do to resolve this? I've had at look at s...
When I'm trying to add an emoji as a reaction to a comment, it loads forever and does not allow me to select any emoji. This feature seems broken and has been so for quite some time on Android and we...
when i use my phone i can see exactly where a cart was moved from and to. When using my computer i can only see what board the cart was moved to and from. How can i get this extra detail on my PC?
I need to be notified of movement on a specific board. Is there a way to create an automation that sends me an email when a card moves to another list on a board? The "when a card is move...
Hi, I can't drag/copy and paste an image onto my card. I've tried the long way of doing it, where you open attachments and select 'choose a file' and that doesn't work! I mean, I click on the choose ...
I would like to add a dropdown checklist. For example; House specs 1. Balcony 2. Storage room 3. Mountain/sea view Could not find a way to do that. Checklists are not what I'm looking for and cu...
...itle when you open a card? This feature does not meet my use case for Trello and is distracting.
Hi Atlassian community, I'm hoping someone can help me find the correct regex to target Gravity Forms values in a comment on Trello. Basically, I am using a Powerup called Sendboard to send G...
Reproduce: Lets say you have a simple Kanban board with 2 lanes: Backlog, Done Now you move 1 card from Backlog to Done. This will move this card to the top of Done (which makes sense) It will a...
We have Excel documents on the server that we want to be able to edit in different Trello cards without them being saved in the main documents. Is this possible or are there good alternatives?
I used to use Trello at work and was able to move one card below another. I'm in a free trial right now. I'm unable to move one card below another. This is preferred to minimize scrolling. I can o...
witam POTRZEBUJĘ PAŃSTWA WSPARCIA !!! niechcący usunełam przestrzeń roboczą w trello chce ją odzyskac czy moge liczyć na panstwa pomoc ??
I have added more than 10 individuals to our trello board so I need to upgrade the board and my account. However we use this for work and I want to charge the full year amount for all users to the s...
I have cards that have links as attachments. They're mirrored to other boards. The attachments don't show up on the mirrored card, though. Is it possible to see the attachments on the mirrored cards?
Bonjour. J'utilise la version payante de Trello et j'ai deux espaces de travail différents. Dans l'un des deux espaces de travail (le premier que j'ai créé) il m'est possible dans toutes les c...
Not able to create a board
The problem persists: the Trello iOS app, on all of my mobile devices, does not validate Atlassian credentials (“A problem occurred while attempting to validate credentials”) after I changed the p...
I often update copy on cards just by using cut and paste but now when I paste it gives a link instead - really annoying! Does anyone know how to reset so I can just copy and paste copy in cards like...
I need a new login to Trello!
Copied to clipboard