Is it possible to add additional content to the native "Page information" page within Confluence? Native page: For ...
First time posting, upgraded from Confluence 6.6.5 to the Confluence 6.13.4 release. I have reviewed the following help page:
First time posting, upgraded from Confluence 6.6.5 to the Confluence 6.13.4 release. I have reviewed the following help page:
Has anyone been able to do this through REST? Is there another approach? I want to delete a number of pages, but the all need this id, not easy to divine from query. Thanks https://confluence.atlas...
I've added the following code to my Page Layout for a specific space: #if ($mode == "view") <content tag="page-metadata-banner"> #skiplink("page-banner", $i18n.getText("
I have a created a standard wiki template for a wiki subspace but people (being people) sometimes forget to use it, so I want to be able to copy the template header into those new pages, to ...
This question is in reference to Atlassian Documentation: View Page Information Is the 'k' shortcut to bring up the modal no longer functional? It isn't working for us anymore. It takes us to this p...
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