...nderstand the performance of the deadline, how often this deadline is met or breached. There are, of course, apps for this, such as Time to SLA, which I've implemented in customers and work well. T...
...leased to share that instance optimization for Jira Data Center is now live for all enrolled EAP participants. By joining our EAP, you can now monitor and optimize the performance of your J...
...e're pleased to share that instance optimization for Jira Data Center is now live for all enrolled EAP participants. By joining our EAP, you can now monitor and optimize the performance of y...
...nnual performance review arrives... and it’s hard to avoid. Can we skip it? It would definitely make things less stressful, especially around the holidays! 🎄 But here’s the thing: performance r...
Hello, Atlassian Community! I’m Matt Ogle from the Enterprise Product Marketing team, here with the December edition of our Quarterly Performance and Scale Digest. Over the last few months, we’ve d...
...tilizing the correct reports. Jira offers a range of tools that can help you evaluate team performance and uncover trends over the past year. In this article, we’ll explore some reports you might w...
...oosts data control, and improves overall performance, resulting in increased productivity due to enhanced speed and usability. View all assets imports from one place Now, view status, history, a...
...e’re loading less items. We've also implemented a performance fix to improve the load time of the kanban column view by introducing infinite scroll pagination. This is a big win for usability, f...
We've all been there—awkward performance reviews, uncomfortable feedback sessions, or the silent tension after a project goes sideways. These moments highlight a common issue in many workplaces: f...
Communication is inevitable. Whether we’re talking, staying silent, gesturing, or showing facial expressions, even our absence says something. So, everything we do (and don't do) is a form of com...
During the tough times of the Covid-19 pandemic, I got a request from the Atlassian community to help with a Jira performance issue. Surprisingly, the solution was simple: removing an u...
Hello, Atlassian Community! I am Matt Ogle, a Senior Product Marketing Manager focusing on the performance and scale of Atlassian Cloud. We were fortunate to be able to discuss the topic of cloud performance...
...ighlighted in our public roadmap webinar in January, we are doubling down on observability, reliability, and performance to ensure that we are delivering seamless user experiences across the most important s...
Hey Data Center Community! I wanted to share an update on Jira Data Center’s Performance Reports, please take a moment to review the announced changes and our future plans. Update on Jira D...
...ardest and completes the most story points? To answer these questions, you can use the Sprint Performance Report, a powerful feature in the Time in Status. This game-changer feature will take y...
...his case, Time in Status for is the most essential - we will talk about it further. 📈 Performance Evaluation: Tracking status changes allows teams to evaluate their performance and p...
Work Tree Report is among the most popular ones for understanding the structure of work and progress accomplished. The Jira Align team has been improving performance on the Work Tree reports by f...
Hi community, I'm Claire Chisholm and I'm part of the Data Center Marketing team. As your Jira Service Management instance scales, ensuring that it is optimized for performance and efficiency is k...
...owerful with Safeguards 1. Use Guardrails to manage your instance As your Jira Software instances grow, the associated data grows too, which can sometimes impact performance. To help you b...
※本記事は、Jacob Shepardが2022年8月11日に公開した英語記事「5 tips to optimize the performance of your Confluence Data Center instance」を翻訳したものです。内容に相違が見受けられる場合、英文ページの内容を正とします。 こんにちは。 エンタープライズマーケティングチームに所属するJacob S...
...tore valuable information. As organizations scale, the importance of maintaining a highly performant instance grows exponentially, however, an increased load can cause performance issues if not managed a...
Today, I'd like to thank the Adaptavist development team for releasing 6.56.0. Inlay hints and Completion features. Because thanks to this version, now, I hope, we will have people in t...
...his feature from its release in Confluence 7.18. App monitoring enables your organisation to gain greater insight into third-party apps' resource utilisation and performance via performance and API u...
...igh availability. We designed clustering for enterprises with large or mission-critical Data Center deployments that require continuous uptime, instant scalability, and performance under high load. With a...
...ou operate large and complex instances, with impressive growth goals. Some of you may be concerned about your data growth and how it might impact your instance performance. We are committed to e...
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