I'm trying to create charts and tables comparing the number of issues created during certain time periods. I was specially asked to get the following comparison: How many tasks were created in t...
Hello Team, We use Jira for creating and tracking vulnerabilities found in the source code. I want to create a chart/graph (anything is fine) to show the count of vulnerabilities every week.&n...
New to using analytics .... I am trying to build a analytics chart that shows project name , tasks filtered by a specific label, and all tasks for each project. Ultimately I want to see the p...
I am using python to format data point into a Confluence storage format and update the page through REST API. The request did go through and it updated the table content but the chart is not d...
Hi Atlassian Community, I'm working with Jira’s control chart to measure cycle time and need to capture the full cumulative time that issues spend in specific 'In Progress' statuses, including any b...
Hi, I am unable to see Commitment in Velocity chart. As I understood estimates should be available when Sprint starts and sub task are not consider. We use estimates to our Stories or c...
...'Date', "MM yy") As Month, SUM(T1.'Number') As Number FROM T1 GROUP BY FORMATDATE(T1.'Date', "MM yy") The table transformer settings for date are: When I use a chart to display t...
I am trying to creating a chart from a TableView Merger which has three Fields Domain, Location (can be USA, CAN), EstAmt I can get the chart to show the EstAmt Total by Domain (above)....
Dear all, I've been working on displaying some data and use a lot of diagrams for that. I recently changed the structure of the site where those charts are displayed to make it more user friendly, u...
I am looking for a solution to fix the automatic naming when creating multiple charts with the Chart from Table macro. Due to the nature of the data table(Confiform Tableview-->Pivot Table) in t...
Hi, I created a few charts to populate on a "Project Dashboard" page that lists projects based on status. These charts are loading on the confluence page's edit mode: But a...
...ata. Well, what I want to do is to generate a chart from this data, however I don't want this chart to appear inside the spreadsheet but outside of this. In other words, how can I to update a chart f...
Hi! I have a dashboard with a bunch of charts and one of them is using the Reports - Charts and Graphs for Jira Dashboard Free app. I need help to configure the selected period to gather data....
...ntroducing new issue types), and after changes were made, the velocity chart for the past sprint is now showing "Issue added to sprint after start time", that is for majority of the tickets. Also, that o...
...ncomes: Power-up produces charts and insights on your financial situation: You can export all your data to Excel or csv: Feel free to add the power-up to your board: https://t...
Hi All, Has there been any recent changes to the Confluence Cloud that would break the chart macro? I have a Confluence page that uses the chart macro to create a stacked bar chart. The d...
Hello, there is a problem with displaying the Issue type and Priority fields in Custom charts, they are displayed as text. Also, this is not just an isolated case, most of my colleagues have this p...
Hi, does this velocity chart look normal? I am confused about how to read and analyze it. Please help. Thank you!
Hi All, I am using the average age chart to report on our service desk tickets. The filter I am using has the following: Project="Service Desk" and created >= -52w AND Resolved >= -5...
Hey All, I want to add a workload pie chart, which will show every dev separately. I do see that there is a Pie Chart for this, but I want to add this on age chart. Note: I am u...
I am working on a JIRA agile project and I installed the app "Custom Charts". I'm noticing a few things: - The "resolved" vs "created" number of tickets in the last thirty days is different than w...
I'm trying to build my perfect stat dashboard, but I met some difficulties, so I need an explanation from devs of Dashboard Hub, as it seems to ask them easier. I found "Created vs Resolved" chart...
I am trying to generate dashboard chart data in confluence page using rest APIs on a forge app. Does anyone know how to do this ? Thanks!!
I would like to better understand each developer's productivity. I understand that each developer has their own perception of complexity and level of seniority, each user story is subjective. My id...
Hi Team, We are on JIRA Data center version and have installed JIRA Charting Plugin (server version) as Data center version redirects suggesting to use Server version. With the JIRA server end of s...
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