My team is trying to upgrade our Jira server from 7.3.0 to one of the new LTS versions (8.3.x or 8.13.x), but we ran into an exception related to the watchers plugin while re-indexing. I assume ...
I searched, if answer is there I missed it. I followed the tag for the plugin, it the answer is there I missed it. Is there an alternative to burningcode's now defunct Jira Watcher Custom Field plug...
If we install the watcher field issue to our Jira server projects and configure it to populate watchers on issue create, will it send notifications to the watchers for that event? We are look...
Hello , I am a ITAdmin in my organization, we want to have this feature in our cloud JIRA platform, but "Watcher Custom Field for JIRA " is not supporting in cloud JIRA. Is it possible to provide t...
Please advise image2016-12-21 12:26:54.png Thanks,
Hello We're using the Watcher Custom Field for Jira. I have an issue security that is set for the assignee, watchers and reporter. Once an issue is created and the issue security is set, I can no ...
Hi, I'ld like to know if it is possible to add a default list of watchers to an issue on creation?
Can we add some people as default watcher for some specific issue type under any project. Below is the scenario I am willing to achieve: Whenever any defect is raised under any project then some use...
I have downloaded the Watcher Custom Field for JIRA plugin and have also created a custom field called My Watchers. This field does appear in my Create and Edit screens but when i start to type the u...
Any chance this add-on will be supported by JIRA Cloud? Thanks!
If we add additional watchers via a post function and the user has added a watcher the creation fails with the following error. Error creating issue: Unable to update custom field customfield_10000 ...
Hello I've configured the Watchers field to appear on the create screen. The permissions and schemes are all configured to show the field, but it's still not appearing (I've doubled checked Add watc...
I have two JIRA installations, both with JIRA Watcher Field installed. The one running 6.3.15 works properly. The one on 6.4.1 does not. It does not appear under the Custom Field admin page ...
I upgraded to JIRA Software and lost this plugin. Will this be made available for JIRA Software? If so, is there a timing estimate for availability? thank you.
Hi, Thanks for the plugin, it does exactly what my users wanted it to do. I am having a little cosmetic (and confusing) issue with the viewing issue part. It does display the Watcher field two tims...
I am unable to remove watchers from issues in our JIRA instance. Below is an example, I have an issue with one name (me) in the Add Watchers field and this shows up as a single watcher. image2...
Marketplace indicates that JIRA Watcher Field latest version (2.5.14) is compatible with JIRA Data Center. However, JIRA is reporting this plugin version being Incompatible, as shown in the screensh...
When adding a watcher to an issue, JIRA checks to see if that user has permissions to view the issue and if they do not you cannot add the watcher, and this error is displayed: There was an e...
When will this fixed? The plugin is begin disabled automatically after installation.
Our current Jira installation is 4.4.4, and we're running version 1.4.1 of Universal Plugin Manager. Is the latest version of JIRA Watcher Field (2.5.12) compatible with our installation?
Ho do I prevent my Watcher custom field from displaying in the main issue view? I've added it to a tab so it can be set on issue creation and editing, but obviously don't need it in the main view bec...
Hi, This Plugin was working great with JIRA 5.2, but the plugin is not working with Ver 6.0. Pleas provide version update for this plugin, as this plugin is help us lot in JIRA, and witho...
Not Found (404) Error creating bean with name 'com.burningcode.jira.web.action.issue.ManageWatchersReindex': Instantiation of bean failed; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.BeanInstanti...
I have JIRA 5.0.1 and I installed the watcher field plugin 2.5.3, but after installing it, nothing changed in the create issue page e.g. an additional field was not created. I checked and the user I'...
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