Hi Team, Showing message when attempting to create a Gliffy diagram using the triple-dot menu next to the Create button, we can insert a Gliffy diagram onto a page through a macro, but it doesn't ...
Hello, I would like to ask the community if there a way to turn off in-app ads from Atlassian OR marketplace vendors? This is genuinely annoying our user community while they are trying to work and ...
Can we have release-notes for "Gliffy Diagrams for Confluence" ?
I want to know about the End of Support/Life for Gliffy all the versions till now which are available. Thnaks in Advance
We have recently migrated from server to cloud. The migrated Gliffy diagrams in the cloud site are correctly displayed on their respective pages and the app appears to be working correctly. However, ...
I am currently using Confluence 7.17.4 with Gliffy Diagram plugin 9.7.1 . When I click on the Gliffy Configuration I get a 'URL does not match ' pop up notification .It returns the URL with 'undefine...
When open a marco Gliff diagram, and edit, but it is not able to save the edit with an error. can someone help to check? thanks Environment: *Confluence Server Version: 7.13.7 *Gliffy for ...
I have a public page with Gliffy diagrams. The page shows "internal server error" and diagram does not show up. When I login, the diagram shows up.
Hi everyone, i am looking for an API that will fetch the data from the GLiffy diagram on aconfluence page
Gliffy diagram edit on a diagram embedded in a confluence page is throwing JSON parsing errors in the browser and displaying a completely blank page. It seems to be impossible to report this as a bug...
Hi, we've observed that when a user hovers with the mouse over links embedded into a Gliffy Diagram, the icon changes from the "pointing finger" (expected) to "full hand" or even "text edit" dependi...
We are currently evaluating Gliffy as an addin to our Confluence site to help develop / document our business process flows and procedures. We currently have procedures documented in Confluence and ...
Hi, Is there a way to add a new font in the list of possible fonts in gliffy ? Regards, Laurent
Is there any way to restore a diagram that disappeared? The page now shows "Error 404 No diagram found". It wasn't deleted. Reverting to previous versions of the page doesn't help. Tried to ope...
Can't install Gliffy Diagrams for Confluence the /var/atlassian/application-data/confluence/logs have this error log 2018-02-03 18:23:36,071 ERROR [UpmAsynchronousTaskMan...
Hello, When I am trying to edit a Gliffy diagram, it is not working at all, i get a blank page. Is something wrong with it? I am using Confluence Cloud.
I only want certain users to use Gliffy and am paying for a lot of people who don't use it at all but still have access. How can I work around this as my user count increases in size? G...
New user (v6.3). Is there any way to make a Gliffy image so that the reader/user can't edit it? Also, is there a way to make links relative to the current page rather than using an absolute addres...
If we end our Gliffy license, what happens to the diagrams that we've created so far? Do they switch to a read-only state? Do we lose the data?
I try to create or edit a gliffy diagram, and a I get a blanck page. Is somthing wrong with the new version? Thanks.
Running Confluence 6.4.2 as well as Gliffy 8.0.3. My user can create diagrams, but after they have been saved, the user is not allowed to edit the same diagram. the suer is in the standard "conflöu...
We have been using links in Gliffy for Confluence Cloud, and it worked fine until som days ago. Now the button/link for Insert/Cancel are not displayed at the bottom of the Gliffy...
I'm creating a new confluence page. I wanted to add a Gliffy diagram with an overview of the topics, and each topic would be clickable and link to the corresponding section. (So using a PNG or n...
I'm not IT person, simple user of Confluence. I wanna know how to copy gliffy diagram objects from other gliffy diagrams. Before Confluence update, we could copy Gliffy object from ...
Can i import a screenshot in gliffy and then make sections of it interactive by linking it to respective docs?
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