I create any diagram and the size seems arbitrarily set. Is there a way to resize it? I create a small diagram, it gets some size. I cant find an apparent way to simply make it fit to the page widt...
Hi, can I use '!include' statement to include some plantuml files? For example, I expect to get a diagram like this for file_c.puml on Confluence (C)ClassC---(C)ClassB---(C)ClassA ...
When the content is Chinese, it displays garbled characters. Any suggestions please? Thanks!
Until recently, we were generating and adding PlantUML images manually to our Confluence pages. Now with this PlantUML addon this is much easier, but one thing is kind of missing: Simple images can b...
I am here to vent my deep frustration with the way Atlassian NONE-supports its customers, while forcing them to move from self-hosting platforms into its own Cloud. We recently migrated our self-host...
I'm currently manually restoring (don't ask!) some documentation from an old Confluence Server to Confluence Cloud. During the process, I find a number of things in the PlantUML plugin to no longer ...
Hi all, we will probably use PlantUML to draw sequences. The sequences are text descriptions, but they seem not to be integrated in the Confluence search. Does anyone know if and...
My company recently purchased PlantUML Diagrams for Confluence in order to model our software system. The default PlantUML types work fine, but when I try to `!include` a separate file from another ...
I'm getting the following message when trying to generate a PlantUML preview: "Could not generate preview. Please consult tech support." When trying to "Insert" the object, I get the followi...
In July, someone reported a problem with broken images coming from the PlantUML extension. I'm now seeing a completely blank space where the image should be. In edit mode, there's still a blank spac...
Just as in the topic - do you plan to add integration with bitbucket for storing the plantuml code? We are using Conflu & BitBucket and would very much like to collaborate on the diagrams with a ...
I've just installed the "PlantUML Diagrams for Confluence". for our cloud confluence to test drive it (new setup, no other apps installed so far). Problem: I can create a diagram when ins...
Recent versions of plantuml do support mindmaps. Would you please add this to your plugin. Mindmaps are very easy to create and will make your plugin unbelievably powerfull!
When I exceed a certain number of elements on the page, it seems that even if the image call works (https://exp-plant.draw.io/plantuml4/png/...) that it generates an image when I load it separat...
PlantUML supports including links. I've tried this out, but the links aren't clickable. Does any special syntax apply here to make this work?
Hi MXGraph. Im migrating from Confluence Server to Confluence Cloud, and I cant take my old PlantUML plugin with me (its just for server). I installed your PlantUML Plugin for Confluenc...
Hi, I am trying to save the UML using plantuml macro, but nothing happens when I click the save or Insert button. have same issue after clearing browser cache/ different browser (Mozilla/Chrom...
Current version for Confluence Cloud (on 20190604) is 2018.14, but could you upgrade plantuml to version 2019.5? The releases offer quite a few useful upgraded features (legends, gantt issues, styles...
Just added plugin yesterday to our cloud instance. When page is displayed, the diagram isn't. Console has a warning: Mixed Content: The page at 'https://zinc-digital.atlassian.net/' wa...
I am importing a space from Confluence Server to Cloud. In the process, I need to migrate some PlantUML macros to the Cloud version of the plugin developed by a different company. I wondering what t...
Any attempt to render a diagram or save gets a long waiting and fails either silently (on render button) or with "Error rendering diagram. Please check your syntax" message. PlantUml example "class ...
I'm trying the PlantUML plugin for Confluence Cloud and I have a problem while editing a page with more than one diagrams. The diagrams after the first one are not visualized at all. To insert a dia...
Is it possible to see textual difference when people modify diagram? (About "PlantUML for Confluence Cloud" plugin) If not is there any other plugin that allows this?
Hi there, So we have a lot of PlantUML in our corporate Confluence (Cloud version). Today I discovered that whenever I alter an existing graph or start a new one, I get the following error Dot Exec...
Hi, Can you please update the version of the PlantUML interpreter? We are currently experiencing some issues while rendering. I just saw that is the version 8039beta0, when one of the ...
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