Hello~! I would like to request corrections to some of the words translated into Korean in the 'Threaded Comments for Jira version 1.49' Add-on. Details are attached in the file. Th...
HI~! When viewing the issues, it seems that it gets slower when I apply the Threaded Comments for Jira' add-on. I currently have Threaded Comments for Jira version 1.49 installed on Jira Data Cente...
Hi All, Our JIRA enable "threaded-comments". Sometime, the comment will show up twice. But when I disable add-on, comment will show normally. How can I improve this problem? T...
We inherited a jira instance that used Threaded Comments for Jira. When we installed that plugin into our system to prepare to migrate their data, we found that the plugin caused jira to get stuck an...
Hello, I am setting up a cloud version and I noticed that I don't have any way to show up reply or nested comments in cloud version. for my server version we added Threaded comment plugin bu...
Threaded comments v1.27.4 on Jira v7.13.5 is sometimes showing 2 reply buttons, where the 2nd one doesn't seem to actually work. I have included a screenshot below that shows the problem. This happen...
JIRA Threaded Comments (v1.27.2) was disabled, I tried to enable, but it's throwing an error, "This app failed to enable. Refer to the logs for more information."
After updating the Threaded Comments for Jira to the latest version (1.27.2), I cannot enable the app anymore. The log shows: Unable to create application context for [info.renjithv.jira.addons...
Does anyone know if Threaded Comments for Jira plug-in going to support Jira 8.x version?
How does this work with @mention and email replies? If a user replies to an email, will it respect the comment thread or will it start a new one?
if you write a comment as a reply (threaded comment) in text mode and add an attachement to this comment (CTRL+C - CTRL+V) you can upload the attachment to this issue but the text you have written be...
Hi Team, Is "Threaded Comments for Jira" add-on available for Data Center? If not, Please let me know that the server version of this add-on may compatible with Jira Data Center...
Latest update seems to have broken this functionality When using @mention the drop down appears like it works, it worked in last version, but it is not actually working anymore version: 1.21
Hi, We are using the Threaded comments add-on version 1.19 with self hosted Jira software version 7.4.3. We have updated the config to display more recent comments first. When I reply to a comment ...
We are using the Threaded comments for JIRA but we found out recently that when our agent replies in thread to an Internal comment in our Service Desk, that comment is sent to the Reporter via email ...
Hello, please note that there is no notification for the comment`s author when someone likes what he`s wrote. It would be very useful.
Hello, when I add threaded comment, after I click Add button, the window is still open and I don't know that the comment was added. Do You have this same problem? How can I resoled it?
FYI.. We are using Atlassian JIRA (v6.4.6)
Hi we got a problem with the issue view in projects when the add-on is active. it's about that Add-on https://marketplace.atlassian.com/plugins/info.renjithv.jira.addons.threadedcomments.thr...
Is this included in the threaded comments plugin? Can we disable votes icons?
Hi - I noticed that when I installed this that it duplicated the existing threaded comments plugin entry that we have installed. Our main concern is will this keep the existing threaded comments in ...
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