Our board is configured to use several fields for organizational and reporting purposes: Components Epic Link Systems (Custom multi-select field with predefined values) Requester Group (Custom s...
Hey, We have some criteria for Filters to be deleted in our Jira Instance. Could anyone help with Script in Scriptrunner for below? We need to create a script that delete filters which fall under ...
When your business goes down, and you think about how to stay in black and where to cut business costs, it often leads to staff layoffs. Firing employees isn’t always the best option. How about findi...
Hello, I am running a Datacenter instance (8.20.14) and I need to perform an audit on all unused custom fields (and we have a large amount). I have used the Jira tool "Custom Fields Optimizer" to a...
Is this information available anywhere? We would like to clean up some search filters, but are having issues identifying what we can delete.
I am specifically, looking at cleaning up Issue Type Screen Schemes using this API - https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/rest/v3/api-group-issue-type-screen-schemes/#api-rest-api-3-is...
According to the end screen, my score was 14/15 which is ~93% I wouldn't ask otherwise, but my cert expires VERY soon, and I'd like to know if this is a passing grade or if nothing short of 100% co...
[Week 3 challenge: week of November 13, 2022] Sometimes, the hardest actions to take, are the ones that require letting go. After running one-on-ones or status meetings for so long, some...
Olá pessoal! Esses dias soube desse post na Community sobre "cleanup" no Jira Cloud: Jira Software Instance Cleanup Guide Pra Data Center ou Server tem esse aqui: Clean up your Jira ins...
Hi community, Is there any way in cleaning up jira instance by removing unassociated field configurations. I am trying to find a mechanism of deleting all field configurations that are not associat...
Any pointers on how to manage space are welcome!
Hello, I just upgraded to Confluence version 7.18.3, but I can't find the 'Cleanup' menu you indicate on this page: https://confluence.atlassian.com/clean/clean-up-your-confluence- instance-10260479...
Hello @Eduardo Alvarenga, I have already accepted the answer to my previous question (Bamboo planbranch setting to prevent deletion pendant in database ), because I was able to find the setting...
Hi everyone! The purpose of this article is to list all the artifacts that need to be deleted when a project has been deleted from Jira Cloud. i.e., A clean-up of the cloud instance so tha...
I was wondering if there is a way to cleaning up the dropdown list showing up in the reporter field. Even if it is only editable for admins, the list could be shorter, and I assume we have some old/n...
Hello Community, As part of JIRA cleanup, I found this article for the deletion of inactive worlfows: Advanced cleanup | Atlassian Support | Atlassian Documentation it is mentioned to make s...
Hi. We are going through a JIRA migration (on-prem) to cloud. I am trying to get a list of all the associated schemes between all the projects we have in JIRA. Is there a way to download a list of al...
So, I am interested in hearing from others about their success in cleaning up, managing, restructuring their company confluence. What was your best success, what was your biggest issue? What c...
I have Trello cards that are filled with way too much junk, and all the clutter makes it hard to find the useful information in there. I've already seen how to delete a comment that was made conscio...
Our Bitbucket instance has been growing over the years. I am interested to hear, how everyone else is grooming and maintaining their environments. How are you finding projects/repos that have not bee...
So, in our QA Project we have: QA: Scrum Issue Type Screen Scheme > QA: Scrum Bug Screen Scheme >> QA: Scrum Bug Screen But we have removed the Bug issue type from the QA project. Unfort...
My repository has been increasing with some commits and it was at 1,9gb so I wanted/needed to decrease its size. I have done "git filter-branch --index-filter 'git rm --cached --ignore-unmatch *.ipa...
...bsp; Happy housekeeping! JMX: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <jmeterTestPlan version="1.2" properties="5.0" jmeter="5.0 r1840935"> <hashTree> <TestPlan g...
We've just updated the plugin from version 1.1.7 which means we can now use Branch Discovery, which works perfectly. What doesn't seem to work is Automatic Branch Cleanup, i.e. having a plan branch ...
With SourceTree and windows 10, it uses manager-st for credential.helper. How do I clean up the cache this manager-st uses? I have problem with authentication to remote HTTP repo...
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