I want to change the text color bases on numeric and and character value in table data while using Table plus macro. Text color based on conditions. Like, if the value is USA the change the color to ...
Can someone provide an example of this in TablePlus: A style can be reused for subsequent column(s) by referring to it using a 1-based numeric reference. Any example will do (but I am specifically l...
I create a big table and most table cells contain long words. I try to use Table Plus' feature to wrap the text so each column won't stretch extremely long horizontally. However, it doesn't seem to w...
Hi, I am trying to summary the detail of some page using page properties and page properties report macro. What I'd like to have is to limit the content I show in one of the columns (the Status colum...
How to manually change the width of a specific column in a table placed inside the table plus macro?
I have a long table. I decided to divide it on multiple <tbody> parts. But I noticed it causes many issues. First I wanted to add possibility to expand/collapse those parts of the table...
Can you please confirm the HeartBleed does not impact the JIRA and Confluence OnDemand version? I need to confirm for our IT Corporate Office. This includes the Team Calendar, Table-Plus, Gantt C...
Similar to: https://answers.atlassian.com/questions/141319/table-plus-sorting-arrangement-feature-not-working-when-used-with-detailed-summary-macro-confluence?page=1#240513 I am trying to get a tab...
After migrating our site from 3.5.17 to 4.3.7 then to 5.1.4, a lot of our tables that have "table-filter" and "table-plus" macros appear fine, but when we edit them, we are only seeing Wiki Markup la...
I am using the detailed summary macro and generating a simple report (table). Afterwards, I use the table plus macro and try to use detailed summary macro inside to get an interactive table .... but ...
The table-plus macro recently became payware and from what I've seen, most users are just using because it offered dynamic rearranging of row values by column. This is already offered by the HTML ta...
I am using table plus on a table-report and the auto column number is not working for me. This is the wiki markup which I used <code> {table-plus:autoNumber=true|sortColumn=2|sortDesc...
how can I use the table-plus macro in v4.2?
Assume that a page has multiple tables. I would like to be able to edit the tables separately, not having to open the Edit for the entire page. does Confluence have this ability? Other wikis/twikis ...
Using 2.10--I'm setting up a Spanish-language table with the table-plus macro. I'm trying to do an alphabetical sort but the words that begin with an accented character end up getting sorted at the b...
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