Recently (today?) the Jira SM cloud has started to hide my open queues when I select a ticket from a queue. When I click on a ticket in the queue I'm looking at, the left nav goes "back to project" a...
Hola Atlassians, I have seen several cases of adding a postfunction and/or using ScriptRunner to add a comment automatically after doing a transition, but my case scenario is different. ...
I did my checks first: verify I am running the latest version of Firefox disable extensions one by one to see if that makes any difference Just to note my specs, so nobody can say it is ...
I'm reaching out to inquire about whether there are any services for creating custom in-app user guidance for our project users. We're interested in functionalities like: Developing features or add...
Hi, Is there a way today to help users manage @mentions of their username within Confluence spaces? @mentions are often used a Assignment within Confluence for project plan like document...
Hi, can I set the addon to close after the idea was submitted? There is a green banner indicating the idea is submitted, but users can just continue clicking on "Add".
We have multiple project consisting of dozens of micro-applications in total and many more services. How can we group them, ideally by project, or even by label or component? Right now it looks lik...
I am exploring clonfluence cloud. At this moment our company is not migrated from server to cloud. I see that the "excel macro" has not - the possibility to set the excel page to display - n...
I work on multiple JIRA projects with different logins. I have each board bookmarked so I can easily switch between them. I find it irritating that there's not simple solution to switch users from th...
Bug Using hidden excerpts on your page, in this case at the bottom of the page, adds hidden height to the page and causes a long scroll for the sum height of all your hidden exce...
Does anyone on a UX Team use JIRA for UX sprint planning? If so, do you you a Kanban Board, for visual work representation, and a Scrum Board for scheduling sprints?
Not sure if I'm in the right forum, but here goes. I'm looking for a community of practice/ discussion group centred around the UX and Information Architecture of Work Management Software like Jira....
Here's just a short and incomplete list of the bugs I encounter almost every time I try to edit a document: Highlighting a word or two and applying formatting will format the entire line instead P...
Hey guys, I'm stuck with how to create a new blog post. I'm navigating to blogs and then using the big Create button above. But it does not create a blog, but a Page. Even if I select a blog templat...
When I build a page in Confluence, they do not look good when viewed on different screen sizes. How can I fix this so they are standardized regardless of when screen size I am viewing my pages on?
I notice that there is a search box at the top of the window, but then also the "Search Cards" function in the menu. Trello seems to lean more heavily towards using the top-bar search text field, hav...
Hi I'm still new to Confluence technical ways, so i need your help. The situation is that I want some more UX-details to my spaces and pages. How do I do that ? Do i need to buy a macro/add-on? ...
Hello, I'm new to Jira. I'd like to ask whether there is any way to separate bugs from other issue types. Ex: I want to have only User Stories and Tasks in the Board view and Backlog vi...
Every time you need to go to the page of the whole team very quickly, you missclick and accidentally click on the "Exclude from team" button! AGRHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!11!!! This is a great...
We're looking for participants to give us feedback on a new platform that integrates with Asana. We are scheduling 1-hour, 1-on-1 calls with those who are interested for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday...
Hi Trello team, this would be a UX suggestion, at least for myself. I find the Add Item button on a checklist occupies too much space, a full row. A card would be cleaner if the button is mo...
Hi everyone, My company wants to relaunch Confluence, which has been used for a while as a wiki. They are looking for improved design, more engaging pages, better search, toss out old content,...
Hi there, Our main (paid) Confluence Cloud instance still let us choose between the new editing experience and the old one. That doesn't seem to be the case in trial instance of CC. If we purchase ...
I made a really simple browser extension to use Trello for making Customer Journey
I've using Trello for more than 3 years. However, the pricing plan for Trello Gold/Business is pretty confusing. Let's say I'm opting for Trello Gold for a particular power-up, but then after selecti...
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